You can select different date ranges

Buy owner data from various industry. Like home owner, car owner, business owner etc type owner contact details
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adiba jahan
Posts: 25
Joined: Tue Jan 07, 2025 4:35 am

You can select different date ranges

Post by adiba jahan »

Widget 1: Customer Acquisition Channels
This widget provides an overview of the channels through which customers find your online store. It helps you understand which marketing efforts are driving traffic and conversions. Use a pie or bar chart to visualize the percentage of customers coming from organic search, paid advertising, social media, email marketing, etc.

Widget 2: Life Value
Tracking customer lifetime value is critical to understanding how much revenue each customer generates over the course of their relationship with your company. Visualize this information with a line graph or table that shows changes in average lifetime value over time.

Widget 3: Retention Rates
Monitor customer retention rates by bolivia whatsapp viewing a line graph that illustrates how many customers continue to purchase from your store over specific periods (e.g., monthly or quarterly). This helps you identify trends and measure the effectiveness of your retention strategies.

Widget 4: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Using graphs or tables, you can visualize important KPIs such as conversion rate, average order value, and total revenue. This gives you a quick overview of your store's performance and helps you identify areas for improvement.

When customizing these widgets, you can take advantage of the various options in the customization menu. compare data sets, and choose how the information is displayed.

Regularly review and update your dashboard as your business needs and goals evolve. Experiment with visualizations and metrics to find what works best for your WooCommerce analytics.
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