7 reasons to implement digital signature

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7 reasons to implement digital signature

Post by chandona4 »

One of the main considerations when transitioning to paperless solutions is checking all the legal and regulatory boxes (for example). If your business or organization needs to make it easier to sign certain documents, you’ll need to find a way to do so digitally.

Digital signatures are the solution, especially when integrated with a CRM solution.

You’ll probably want to know what the benefits are before investing in a subscription to an e-signature platform. Good news: that’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this article.

What is a digital signature?
When we talk about digital or electronic signatures, we're not actually talking about a signature in the traditional sense - a handwritten representation of a person's name.

An electronic signature is more like a "fingerprint." It provides bulk sms portugal a way to verify that someone has read a document and agrees to the terms contained within. In other words, digital signatures eliminate the need to physically sign a piece of paper.


They use a standard protocol known as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to record and store a signed transaction in a secure, tamper-proof, and universally accepted manner. PKI applies a unique algorithm to generate a pair of keys - one public and one private - for each transaction. These keys ensure that the electronic signature is genuine and has been validated.

Digital signature platforms and tools, or eSignature, take care of the entire process for the document issuer and the signer. The software provides the PKI and often applies a layer of security known as a Certificate Authority (CA) to validate the signature.
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