Short-time work: how to calculate your payroll

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jrine 01
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Short-time work: how to calculate your payroll

Post by jrine 01 »

In this article, learn about the characteristics of reduced working hours and how they will affect your salary.

There are different cases in which a reduction in working hours is foreseen, in addition to personal and professional motivations for requesting it.
Clears up any doubts about how reduced working hours affect payroll and contributions.
Payrolls for reduced working hours have special characteristics. In general, they are associated with a proportional reduction in salary.

However, there are many supplements that can raise doubts . To resolve them, it is advisable to first understand the implications of a reduction in working hours in order to connect them with the nature of the supplement.

Start of marked textShare! And find out what your payroll looks like after a reduction in working hours.End of marked text

Reduced working hours with proportional reduction in salary
There are various cases in which afghanistan email list 168973 contact leads the Workers' Statute provides for the reduction of working hours and, proportionally, salary:

Caregivers of infants from 9 to 12 months when both parents, adopters, guardians or foster parents exercise this right with the same duration and regime.
Cases of premature births or hospitalizations following delivery.
Direct caregivers of a child under 12 years of age or a disabled person who does not perform a paid job.
Direct caregivers of a family member, up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, who for reasons of age, accident or illness cannot care for themselves, and who does not carry out paid work.


Parent, adopter, guardian for adoption purposes, or permanent foster parent of minor children with cancer or another serious illness . The illness must require long-term hospitalization and direct, continuous, and permanent care.
Victims of gender violence or terrorism , to make their protection or right to comprehensive social assistance effective.
Reduced working hours versus part-time working hours
In a part-time job , a shorter working time than that of a comparable full-time worker is agreed from the start. In other words, the working time of a person who performs an identical or similar job in the same workplace and company is taken as a reference. If there is no such reference, the working time provided for in the agreement is used or, failing that, the maximum legal working time.

“Part-time work and reduced hours are figures with different vocations”

The case of reduced working hours is different. The worker has signed a contract with the company for a certain working day. Later, a circumstance has occurred that causes him to work fewer hours. When the situation changes, he will return to the initial working day.

The motivation for reduced working hours
It is an instrument to be able to combine important moments in life with the development of work . The assumptions provided delimit circumstances that require a lot of attention from the people affected.

“The reduction in working hours is aimed at making work compatible with facing life's challenges”

It is different from the usual conciliation instruments , which are aimed at harmonizing everyday life. In this case, it is about people being able to face vital milestones .

Advantages for workers
For workers, reducing working hours offers significant advantages:

They allow them to grow personally and to attend to the most important aspects of their lives.
It helps to avoid complete disconnection from work during periods that, in some cases, can last for years. Contact with their profession is a good way to ensure that they do not lose skills, do not become outdated, and maintain valuable contacts.
Try to find a balance between life and work . Give your attention to each area to the extent that it can contribute the most. Depending on the situation, the game of time proportions should be oriented in one direction or another.
“Reducing working hours, given certain life circumstances, can bring advantages to the company and the worker”

Advantages for companies
For companies , reducing working hours is a challenge . It is not always easy to fill the gap left by a person or to coordinate their work with that of one or more partial substitutes.

However, the sacrifice is often more than worth it :

Workers are better motivated .
Their interests are better aligned with those of the company . They understand work as a constructive element that accompanies their vital needs.
In general, worker productivity increases. He focuses on those aspects in which he has the most to contribute.
It avoids having present-day workers with their heads in unattended worries.
The work environment is humanized , which has positive effects for colleagues.
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