Mastering Linkedin Boolean Search is an essential skill for finding qualified leads or candidates on Linkedin.
Once you master this superpower, the quality of your targeting will improve dramatically. Consequently, the results of your linkedin prospecting campaigns.
And the best thing?
It's not that complicated.
Let's get started!
What is Linkedin Boolean Search?
LinkedIn Boolean Search allows you to albania whatsapp number data 5 million narrow or broaden keyword searches to find the profiles you want. It uses a combination of logical connectors (AND, OR, NOT) and punctuation (brackets and quotation marks) and can be used on all different Linkedin search engines (Basic, Sales Navigator, Recruiter).
Linkedin's 5 Boolean Search Operators
There are 5 LinkedIn Boolean search operators that you can use to refine your searches:
Citations allow you to search for an exact phrase or terms that include:
More words
If you are searching for a phrase consisting of more than one word, enclose the phrase in quotation marks.
For example:
“Sales Manager”
“Account Representative”
“Human Resources Manager”
If you don't add the citations to sales manager , Linkedin will search for “sales AND manager .”
how to use quotes search sales navigator
In the screenshot above you can see that some of the search results are not relevant.
However, if I add quotation marks around “sales manager,” the results will match exactly what you are looking for.
best results with quotes boolean search
Now you can clearly see the difference between adding and forgetting the quotation marks.
2. AND
If you want to search for profiles that include two or more terms , you can separate them with AND.
boolean operators and linkedin
Sales AND Director
“Sales Manager” AND B2B
and boolean operator linkedin sales navigator
If you enter two terms without quotes, the search engine will think there is an AND between them :
3. OR
If you want to broaden your search to find profiles that include one or more terms you can separate the terms with “OR”.
boolean operators or linkedin
“OR” is most often used to look for alternative spellings or for terms that mean the same thing.
“Sales Operations” OR “Sales Operations”.
“Vice President” OR “vp” OR “vice president”. OR “SVP” OR “EVP”.
or boolean operator sales navigator
4. NOT
If you want to exclude certain terms from your search, write those terms with “NOT” in front.
boolean operators not linkedin
Your results will exclude all profiles that contain that term. For example:
Director NOT Executive NOT VP NOT Vice President
Let's see a live example.
Here I added the keyword “CEO” in the title filter
How to use sales navigator with non boolean search
If I change it to “CEO NOT Assistant” you can see how 1000 leads are excluded from the search.
example of non-boolean operator
I can do the same thing by adding another keyword and clicking the exclude button
exclude keywords from boolean sales navigator search
When you click on it the button will appear red and the exclusion will work as if you had not put a “NOT” as a boolean operator
the non-boolean operator appears in red
5. Parentheses
If you want to do complex searches you can combine terms and variables.
For example Marketing AND (B2B OR B2C) This will look for profiles containing:
Marketing AND B2B
Marketing AND B2C .
bracket search boolean sales navigator
Where to use Boolean search on Linkedin?
You can use Linkedin Boolean search in 3 different places:
Linkedin Basic
Linkedin Sales Navigator
Linkedin Recruiter
Boolean Search on Linkedin: The Ultimate Guide (2024)
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- Joined: Tue Dec 03, 2024 5:18 am