Brian Cohen and Nelson Gilliat sat down to talk about the B2B buying process and how B2B marketing leaders like to buy from software vendors.
In this short video, our Co-Founder and CEO, Brian Cohen, talks about how he does NOT like software vendors approaching him. Make sure to watch until the end and subscribe to our YouTube channel .
Author's biography
Brian Cohen StoryLab.aiBrian has over 15 years as a marketing strategist and visionary leader insurance leads for seniors with a track record of transforming the marketing function and driving it to new heights for several SaaS companies as an advisor, consultant, and employee. He has spearheaded highly successful campaigns that captivated target audiences, optimizing the marketing funnel to maximize conversion rates and accelerate sales cycles.
Brian Cohen is also the co-founder and CEO of You can find out more about Brian on LinkedIn .
Video transcript (automatically generated)
Let’s take the negative. How would you not like to be marketed to and become aware of software vendors for the first time? What makes you turn off and disconnect and… you just mentioned I think earlier a little bit about getting spammed? Maybe you can talk about how you feel on the receiving end of, say, telemarketing or email spam and Linkedin spam. You know, when someone sends you a marketing request without consent to your private inbox, whether it’s with a product pitch or a request to speak to sales.