There is also a discussion about the history

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There is also a discussion about the history

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We all know that generally, if you stay at a homestay, the cost is lower than staying at a hotel. holiday-experience-in-melaka Therefore, if your homestay is near a theme park, you can try to promote your homestay to those who may be visiting the theme park. (5) To learn about history and science Nowadays, more and more people are becoming interested in learning more about the history and origins of the nation. People who forget history are likely to repeat the same mistakes, as those who came before them. It is also impossible for people who do not care about history to have a sense of pride and love for their respective lineage.

that has been obscured, where the greatness of a race has not been told to the latest cyprus phone number resource generation. In the end, the new generation is only proud of the fictional stories shown on screen. (6) Visiting acquaintances, friends and family When was the last time you visited friends and relatives? Most likely, during the holidays. Or when there is a wedding, or maybe a death. This culture of pilgrimage is also actually starting to be forgotten. If we don't revive it, it may disappear and be swallowed up by time.

Who are we that I mean? The answer is all of us. We don't need to place this burden of responsibility on certain groups. If we don't start, it will eventually just disappear. When visiting friends and relatives, we don't necessarily have to go to the house of the person we want to visit. We can invite them to meet us at our place of stay, because what is more important is the meeting, not where we want to meet. (7) Business or work purposes Work or business factors are also a common reason why someone needs to travel.
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