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Show who you are and how you offer solutions

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 9:23 am
by rosebaby50955
For this reason, the brand always seeks to be attractive, interesting, pleasant, and captivate the consumer , in addition to establishing and maintaining a long-term bond. Therefore, the main thing is that the personality projected by a brand is consistent.

In this way, all the visual and physical elements that compose it will express that same personality, so that ultimately that association remains strong, positive, favorable, and with a valuable meaning for whoever buys or consumes it.

The aim is to align the brand identity with the perception of manufacturing email list customers in order to attract them to its market. Not in vain, this task is part of the process of creating and strategically managing a brand; that is, branding.

In conclusion, it can be said that defining brand personality is necessary and important for the following reasons :


Differentiate yourself from the competition and gain recognition by giving a unique feel to your products or services.
Boost your engagement through emotional connection that creates greater affinity and trust in your target audience.
Establish your corporate identity.
Determine marketing strategies and events to be organized.
Define the content strategy to be implemented on social networks.
Always maintain coherence in all your actions, guiding your team to keep it focused and aligned with your strategy.
Clearly convey what feelings you want to evoke in your customers when they use your products or services.
Archetypes and the unconscious
Photo by from Pexels
Throughout history, a series of underlying psychological patterns have been discovered that have given rise to various personalities that are classified into archetypes.

These personality patterns were applied to psychology by the Swiss Carl Gustav Jung, and in ancient times they were enunciated by the great Greek philosopher Plato.

According to Jung, archetypes are developed by each person based on the experiences lived by their ancestors, generating in the individual a series of mental images that are developed in a very similar way by different people from different cultures.

It is, then, an autonomous ancestral image that forms part of the collective unconscious from which a series of common archetypes are created for all people .

Archetypes greatly influence the cultural context of each person, since individuals develop their social experiences based on their environment, not their personal experience.

Consequently, archetypes mark a series of emotional and behavioral patterns that determine the way of processing sensations, images and perceptions.

So far the number of archetypes is undefined; however, 12 different archetypes have been established that have been the most prevalent and important.