In addition, you can read this article about email marketing trends by Sean Barten (Webpower), with even more interesting developments. He puts marketing automation at 1, foresees a smarter use of interactivity and also discusses the dark mode .
drawing email on board
6 Valuable Tips for Your Communications Strategy in 2021
John Verhoeven (content strategist and trainer at Frankwatching) has been writing about content trends for years. But this year he is deviating from that and giving you tools to deal with the current, unpredictable situation. One tip: “Many parties want to show their best side and take advantage of that need for honesty. Be careful with that: people intuitively sense very sharply whether you mean what you say – and whether that message suits you.”
Content Marketing: The End of the Funnel Vision [+ 3 Other Trends]
What does the coming year look like for content marketing? The obsession with technology is decreasing, creativity is returning, according to Dieter Rommel (com&co). From funnel vision and tunnel vision to content that really helps people. You can read about these and 3 other trends in his article.
Merit Koutstaal (DBOM) writes about flexible planning, AI-driven content and the importance of empathy and emotion. Her article on content marketing trends is also recommended.
Also read: 10x popular: online design in 2021, crypto mexico telegram data currency & Dutch vs. Flemish
content marketing trends, colleagues working on computer
PR & communications: focus on authenticity, personality & tradition
What are the most important trends and developments in the field of PR and communication strategy? Authenticity, personality & tradition are central according to Thea van Unen (LEV PR).
Storytelling: in search of new forms [7 trends]
What does the switch to 'online' mean for the application of storytelling in organizations? Sigrid van Iersel (Storylines) discussed the changes with 11 storytelling experts. This resulted in 7 striking trends and many examples. With the main message: the more online, the more important the human factor.