If you're one of those people who thinks that email marketing is outdated and is an obsolete strategy that simply clutters your inbox, you're seriously mistaken. In fact, around 80% of marketing departments have an email marketing strategy.
I hope I've given you enough reasons and advice to change your mind. Here we go!
Some reasons why you should uganda business email list implement an email marketing strategy
The reasons are numerous but among them we can highlight the following:
It is a fast, effective strategy that gives us a great return on investment.
It allows you to connect with your existing and potential customers in a direct and personalized way.
It is easy to implement and an economical channel .
There are numerous platforms that include templates to create unique designs, customize the corporate image, and schedule and send emails automatically.
It allows you to track every action .
The most important goal of every email you send is to get your next one read.
Perry Marshall
What types of shipments can we differentiate?
Mass mailing
The mailing is sent to all or most of the database without distinction and with hardly any segmentation or personalization . This type of mailing is very typical of promotional actions, for example, an offer for a product that you want to send to your entire database.
The email is sent to a segmented database , in order to inform or direct a specific message common to a certain segment. A good example would be when you are sent a birthday greeting email, a thank you email or a welcome email, among others.
Marketing automation allows us to launch certain campaigns at specific time intervals and to a specific group of users (schedule a message).
It is always generated by a customer's action. It is sent as a result of the interaction between a user and a website. This type of email is automatically generated for certain actions such as registering through a form, requesting an order or resetting a password, for example.
types of shipping
Source: MDirector
The 5 keys to an email marketing strategy
1. Customize your strategy:
First of all, we need to know who we want to impact , that is, who we want to target. It is essential to create messages and personalize them for each stage of our customers' life cycle , or what we call in marketing, customer journey .
We all like to feel special, but above all we like to receive relevant emails tailored, if possible, to us.
Therefore, it is important to have as much information as possible about your contacts through, for example, subscription forms and identifying what relevant information we should ask for.
Ultimately, we must put ourselves in our customers' shoes and try to know and understand what users expect from us. Meet their expectations at each stage or moment in the sales cycle.
2. Subject and content of the email:
Attractive and clear subject. Our inboxes are flooded with emails that we receive daily, so it is necessary that the subject is attractive enough to encourage the user to click . Here are some tips: • It should be clear and concise
enough.• Put the most important thing at the beginning .• Personalize .• Create a feeling of urgency or exclusivity .• Meet the recipient's expectations . The content of the email should be related to the subject.
Email subject
Personalized content . First of all, it is important to carry out proper segmentation . Our database must be clean and well-stocked.
Offer valuable content for our users, as personalized as possible, that satisfies their needs, concerns and, as we said before, take into account the phase of the customer journey in which our client or potential client is.
Images: Videos, Gifs, multimedia elements. The expression “a picture is worth a thousand words” perfectly represents this reality. Take good care of your image and insert visual and multimedia elements that help to capture the user’s attention and retain it. Any well-cared for visual element related to the content of the message increases the user’s interest. A simple and well-crafted creative can greatly increase your results.
3. Calls to action and social media buttons.
Also called “Call to action”. For them to work well, it is important that they adapt to the needs of the design and the place where they are located.
The purpose of this button is to encourage the user to perform a specific action. This could be a purchase, directing the user to a landing page , watching a promotional video or any other type of action. The idea is to achieve a conversion and prevent the activity from ending with reading the email.
As for social media buttons, it is the best way to make the message go viral and amplify it and spread it through online channels. The best word of mouth.
4. Frequency and time:
To establish the frequency, we must test a lot and monitor the metrics. This way we can draw conclusions and see how many shipments to make per week or month and what is the best time slot. Fortunately, these metrics are easy to obtain and allow us to see not only the frequency but also which days of the week and hours work best. In the end, it is the classic trial and error.
5. Tracking metrics. A/B testing.
They are a great way to compare the effectiveness of the emails we send to our users. Basically, it's about running tests to better understand your contacts' habits and identify what works best.
It consists of tests with different elements or content that allow us to know which of them has generated better results and to know which campaign best fits our audience. For example, two emails with a different subject can allow us to know which one works better based on the opening rate each one has had.