Let’s say you decide to add a personal touch and send individual email invites but don’t have the addresses. There are some easy solutions. One way to collect the Email addresses of new and mobile no data existing members is to use the Chrome Extension Group Leads. You can convert new Facebook group members into leads using Group Leads. The software will transfer your new leads to your favorite marketing software. You can also transfer new group members’ info to your Google sheet and autoresponder, saving you time and money.
Facebook Group Events - Group Leads on Chrome Store
Increase Engagement By Using Stories Or Live Broadcasts
To continue with our tabletop gaming example, you could create a timelapse of the setup for the biggest tabletop game in your state. You can share live broadcasts or stories, for example, about a new historical miniatures game, on your Facebook group. It builds excitement for the board and pieces of the game before an event is held.