You can use the Topic Research tool to search for possible headline ideas for your page. Start with the keyword you want to use and select a target domain.
If you want to create content that targets readers in different regions or countries than your own, use the location feature to set the country, region, city, and language you're targeting:
screenshot of the topic research db tool
The tool will return relevant subtopics and a list of related keywords for each topic:
You can click on each page to read articles on each topic, so you can better understand how other ranked articles structure their headers and titles.
The SEO Content Template can also help you choose the right headings for your content. The tool analyzes the top 10 articles that rank for your keywords, then creates a recommended template that you can use to create your content.
The template includes suggestions regarding readability, text length, backlinks and headers:
SEO content template screenshot
Key points
Structured anchor links promote a better user experience and can help get featured snippets.
Create relevant, keyword-rich headlines so readers and search engines can easily understand the structure of your web pages.
Content marketing tools will help you develop SEO-friendly and easy-to-read content.