Do you know how Apple's email privacy protection works? .... Keep reading this article to learn all about this restrictive measure that Apple has launched for email and how we at Viewed have solved it.
Since the first day we launched Viewed we have been constantly evolving and developing our own email marketing technology so that you can create impactful and successful video email campaigns.
Nothing will stop us!
We are pioneers in video email, with our own technology that has been a huge success from the start, allowing many companies from different sectors such as fashion, health, tourism, education, among others, to achieve their goals, improve the ROI of their email marketing campaigns, increase opening rates, deliverability, CTR and loyalty metrics.
But our success has not been a simple stroke of luck, it is netherlands telegram mobile phone number list due to the fact that our team of expert email technicians analyze the results of our users' campaigns every day and carry out new tests that allow Viewed to be compatible with new email technologies.
Therefore, with the appearance of "Email Privacy Protection", we set out to evolve to adapt our technology to the new conditions.
Apple's Mail Privacy Protection
In the middle of last year, Apple dealt a blow to all brands and marketers by implementing new email privacy controls and policies.
This new email privacy protection measure comes as a consequence of the large amount of SPAM that is sent every day. Its aim is to provide the recipient or end user with a safer and more protected email experience.
However, this means that an average of 49% of our database will be affected, according to a report published by Litmus.
How does Apple's Mail Privacy Protection work?
The first time an Apple user opens the Mail app on one of their devices, they receive a message convincing them to enable the “Protect Mail Activity” option.
All the user needs to do is enable this security option on any of their devices, and the settings will automatically be synchronized across all their other Apple devices.
By doing so, Apple is authorized to enable the download of all images, videos, and animations, including tracking pixels, contained in the email, through its proxy servers with an IP address assigned to the user's general location, preventing ESPs and emailing software from detecting the recipient's exact geolocation and counting the email as opened.
What solution has Viewed developed?
After several months of testing and analyzing the campaigns of more than 10,000 clients, we have found the correction factor that has allowed us to develop an algorithm that detects in real time whether the request to download and view the video in the email comes from an Apple proxy server or not, ensuring that only one of the three requests that are normally generated as a result of email privacy protection is counted.
In this way, the opening and viewing metrics of your video email campaigns that you will obtain in our advanced statistics panel will be more precise.