What is the negative buyer persona and why you should know about it
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 5:59 am
Knowing your Buyer Persona is important because it will help you know how to focus your marketing and sales campaigns and strategies . Without an ideal client, taking the right actions to achieve your established objectives can involve additional effort, time, energy and costs, which in the end will not bring you any benefit. One way to help reach your ideal client and turn them into a real client is by identifying your Negative Buyer Personas .
What is a negative buyer persona?
We already know that the Buyer Persona is the ideal, not real, client of our company. It is the client that we would like to reach and for this reason, all marketing campaigns and sales strategies should be aimed at this Buyer Persona or ideal client.
But what happens when the ideal client does not match the real client? Normally, we tend to modify our Buyer Persona so that it fits our real client. But what if instead, we qualify it as a Negative Buyer Persona?
Let me explain. If the actual customer is not exactly the most ideal customer for your company, instead of modifying your Buyer Persona, qualify this customer as a Negative Buyer Persona and try to further refine your marketing campaigns until you manage to reach the one who really is your ideal customer .
Modifying your Buyer Persona will not help you achieve the goals you really want, but modifying your marketing campaigns and sales strategies will.
Advantages of identifying your Negative Buyer Persona
Identifying your Negative Buyer Persona will save you effort, time and money . Why? Consider that carrying out campaigns and strategies aimed at a client who does not fit your Buyer requires a greater use of energy, since you will never end up finding a way for this potential client to become a real client. This will happen because he or she will not be as interested in your products or services as the Buyer Persona you had in mind. In this sense, identifying the Negative Buyer Persona will help you implement more refined and precise actions and messages.
Another advantage of identifying this Buyer is that it will help you better understand your ideal client . By this we mean that it will allow you to see what characteristics your Buyer Persona should not have to become a client.
It also helps you identify all those potential clients who are not a good fit for your company , that is, those who are not going to bring you any benefits because they are not gmx email list interested in your products or services. In addition , it helps you avoid spending your marketing budget on the wrong people.
How to identify your Negative Buyer Persona?
Below we will tell you step by step how to identify your Negative Buyer Persona.
Define your Buyer Persona or ideal client
In order to define a good ideal client, it is important that you do research. To do this, we recommend conducting interviews and surveys with your target audience .
Means through which you usually search for information (social networks, internet, specialized magazines, etc.)
Once you have defined your Buyer, it is time to identify your Negative Buyer Persona
Defining your Negative Buyer Persona
You have different options to identify your Negative Buyer Persona, on the one hand by creating a profile that is totally opposite to your Buyer Persona or ideal client and on the other hand, by focusing on those dissatisfied or unprofitable clients .
To do this, you can do it in several ways.
Using a form
Try to get potential clients to leave us their details using a form to find out more about them: what interests them, what doesn't interest them, the sector they work in, their country of origin, their position... are some examples of questions that you could include.
Database segmentation
Segmentation is a key point for identifying your Negative Buyer Persona. It allows us to separate leads according to different characteristics. For example, leads according to the phase of the funnel they are in, according to whether they have already made a purchase or not, according to their level of satisfaction, etc.
Keep adding them to your automations
Even though you classify them as Negative Buyer Persona, you don't have to completely ignore them in your marketing and sales strategy. Even though they don't bring you anything at the moment, including them in your automatic campaigns won't take up your time and they may eventually become real customers.
For Ipanema, every lead that comes in counts and for this reason, we recommend that you have all of them classified and segmented in your database. This way, you won't miss out on any sales opportunity.
What is a negative buyer persona?
We already know that the Buyer Persona is the ideal, not real, client of our company. It is the client that we would like to reach and for this reason, all marketing campaigns and sales strategies should be aimed at this Buyer Persona or ideal client.
But what happens when the ideal client does not match the real client? Normally, we tend to modify our Buyer Persona so that it fits our real client. But what if instead, we qualify it as a Negative Buyer Persona?
Let me explain. If the actual customer is not exactly the most ideal customer for your company, instead of modifying your Buyer Persona, qualify this customer as a Negative Buyer Persona and try to further refine your marketing campaigns until you manage to reach the one who really is your ideal customer .
Modifying your Buyer Persona will not help you achieve the goals you really want, but modifying your marketing campaigns and sales strategies will.
Advantages of identifying your Negative Buyer Persona
Identifying your Negative Buyer Persona will save you effort, time and money . Why? Consider that carrying out campaigns and strategies aimed at a client who does not fit your Buyer requires a greater use of energy, since you will never end up finding a way for this potential client to become a real client. This will happen because he or she will not be as interested in your products or services as the Buyer Persona you had in mind. In this sense, identifying the Negative Buyer Persona will help you implement more refined and precise actions and messages.
Another advantage of identifying this Buyer is that it will help you better understand your ideal client . By this we mean that it will allow you to see what characteristics your Buyer Persona should not have to become a client.
It also helps you identify all those potential clients who are not a good fit for your company , that is, those who are not going to bring you any benefits because they are not gmx email list interested in your products or services. In addition , it helps you avoid spending your marketing budget on the wrong people.
How to identify your Negative Buyer Persona?
Below we will tell you step by step how to identify your Negative Buyer Persona.
Define your Buyer Persona or ideal client
In order to define a good ideal client, it is important that you do research. To do this, we recommend conducting interviews and surveys with your target audience .
Means through which you usually search for information (social networks, internet, specialized magazines, etc.)
Once you have defined your Buyer, it is time to identify your Negative Buyer Persona
Defining your Negative Buyer Persona
You have different options to identify your Negative Buyer Persona, on the one hand by creating a profile that is totally opposite to your Buyer Persona or ideal client and on the other hand, by focusing on those dissatisfied or unprofitable clients .
To do this, you can do it in several ways.
Using a form
Try to get potential clients to leave us their details using a form to find out more about them: what interests them, what doesn't interest them, the sector they work in, their country of origin, their position... are some examples of questions that you could include.
Database segmentation
Segmentation is a key point for identifying your Negative Buyer Persona. It allows us to separate leads according to different characteristics. For example, leads according to the phase of the funnel they are in, according to whether they have already made a purchase or not, according to their level of satisfaction, etc.
Keep adding them to your automations
Even though you classify them as Negative Buyer Persona, you don't have to completely ignore them in your marketing and sales strategy. Even though they don't bring you anything at the moment, including them in your automatic campaigns won't take up your time and they may eventually become real customers.
For Ipanema, every lead that comes in counts and for this reason, we recommend that you have all of them classified and segmented in your database. This way, you won't miss out on any sales opportunity.