In today’s complex world, marketers should use lead generation to create customers, brand awareness, nurtured prospects, qualified leads, and measurable revenue. Through various lead generation practices, a company can collect information from these potential customers with the intention of nurturing them into customers. Lead generation is useful for all types of businesses, both small and large, and for both B2B and B2C companies. INTRODUCTION TO LEAD GENERATION Traditional lead generation has undergone significant
changes over the past few years, thanks to new online and social marketing techniques. In particular, the abundance of readily available information online has led to the rise of the “self-directed buyer” and the urgency to create new avenues for developing and qualifying leads before passing them on to sales. Just because someone downloads a whitepaper doesn’t mean they want to talk to your sales rep. We don't think you want your sales team to waste their time making calls to lists of unqualified leads. These calls don't work in today's information-overloaded world. You want your sales team to close deals and spend their time
actively selling, rather than wasting it on calls that go nowhere. Lead generation can help your sales teams spend more time selling and less time on prospecting and administration because you're providing them with well-qualified leads. In fact, according to a benchmark study by Marketo, companies with mature lead generation achieve better sales productivity and much higher revenue. OPTIMIZE AND MEASURE YOUR LEAD GENERATION In the age of the self-directed buyer, marketing is uniquely positioned to reinvent itself as a core part of a company’s revenue. Marketing is now responsible for a much larger portion of the revenue
cycle than it ever has been. In order to drive revenue and increase the volume of new leads, marketers must optimize lead generation campaigns by thoroughly measuring their lead generation budget using the right metrics. When it comes to lead generation, the more bc data taiwan phone number testing you do, the more you learn. You can’t optimize your lead generation without doing some research first. But many marketers don’t know where to start those tests. You’ll need a good plan of attack. The two most common types of testing are A/B and multivariate. You can run one (or both) in your lead generation programs. Services like Visual Website Optimizer (VWO) and
Optimizely can help you take your research to the next level, but first, you’ll need to know how you want to evaluate it. Before you can prove the ROI of your lead generation, you need to establish your metrics. Planning and developing concrete metrics to track your lead generation campaign and investment is not easy, but it is essential. They will tell you the best ROI when you measure it and how to improve it.
Each measurement should guide you to achieve optimal profitability for the company. By using sophisticated automated marketing platforms, you can evolve your set of tactics based on concrete measurements. Each measurement gives you information on the improvements of your program and aligns you with the strategic objectives of the company. By choosing the right technologies for lead generation, you will save money, do more with less, measure and optimize your programs, and allow you to increase your lead generation faster. All of this will help your company to grow faster.
The Ultimate Guide to Lead Generation
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