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Targeted Facebook Advertising in 6 Steps

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:14 am
by mdsojolh634
Previously, we mistakenly thought that a lot of cheap clicks were cool. We learned to be friends with Facebook and get clicks to the site for 2 rubles or less.

There are still many experts on the market who think this approach is right. Is there power in clicks, brother? No.

An ad with a lot of cheap clicks can waste a good portion of your budget without bringing the desired results.

I live and breathe Facebook and oversee the work of this list of japan cell phone numbers area in my agency. One day we reviewed the entire approach to targeted advertising and were right. I tell you how the magic that works happens in this article.

Before launching an advertising campaign, we go through several stages:

We study the information environment
We read the news, look at what trends, memes, stories are related to the product
Defining target audiences
We write down advertising messages for each of them
We create creatives
We manage according to the PDCA scheme and evaluate efficiency before sales
I'll explain in more detail using the example of advertising meat products:

1. Studying the information environment
To better understand the end client, we read news on the topic, articles, look at what people are talking about on forums and social networks. If necessary, we conduct surveys and become mystery shoppers ourselves. This gives an understanding of the market and at the initial stage, we define possible target audiences and messages to them.

2. Read the news, see what trends, memes, stories are related to the product
We track what associations the product evokes, what it can be compared with. This could be a popular TV series, an established stereotype, a frame from a movie.

Associations that are close to people evoke positive emotions. Images that a person has already "accepted" and loved always have more appeal and evoke more trust. For example, in advertising for women who want to lose weight, a still from the film "Girls" works great.

If we are talking about successful business, Jobs and Gates work. Moreover, in targeted advertising, Gates is more popular than Jobs, although the reach may be the same. Popular memes familiar to a certain target audience also work for us.
For example, an ad for dumplings used the headline "Food for alpha males" and targeted men. This ad became the best.

The main thing is to determine what is appropriate and for what audience.

3. Define target audiences
After studying the information field, news and discussions, together with studying the product itself, it becomes clear to whom and how it can be offered. We understand that not all of our ideas can justify themselves, so we immediately draw a large map of audiences, with which we then work according to the PDCA scheme.

That is, we can “sketch out” 15-20 audiences, but we will launch them gradually.

Ideally it looks like this:

In the first week we launch three audiences. For example, A, B and C
At the end of the week we stop everything and launch three more new ones - G, D and E
At the end of the second week we stop the loose G, D and E
We select the strongest from all audiences. In each strongest we leave the winning ads
In parallel with the winners, we are launching new audiences, etc.
This scheme does not allow us to stand still and constantly requires the opening of new markets, audiences, and creatives. We monitor the effectiveness of advertising using Google Analytics. We test the audiences that show the best results — we use different messages, different age targets, etc.

Here is an example of an audience map for advertising meat delicacies


We assign each audience we work with its own status, which we then use as a guide in the future.

4. We write down advertising messages for each of them
At the audience mapping stage, we figure out what messages might be sent. We get a lot from studying the information environment. For example, we know for sure that for many mothers, children's nutrition becomes a big problem. Children love so-called "unhealthy food" - potatoes, sausages, etc. At the same time, mothers worry about the healthy food for children. Among the client's products, we find sausages without added additives, made from pure dietary meat. And we focus on the fact that these sausages can be eaten by children.

Or the situation with pelmeni. Pelmeni have several stereotypes - from cheap food for lazy people and bachelors to a tasty handmade product.

Since women in our society tend to feel guilty about not cooking themselves, it is better to offer pelmeni to a male audience (we will sell children's sausages to women). But showing a pelmeni ad to a man may not hook him and evoke another association - cheap food.

That's why we choose the message "Food for alpha males" and make sure to write in the ad that these are real handmade dumplings. That is, this is special food for alpha males. This way we give a man an excuse for buying dumplings and stroke his sense of self-importance.

5. Compile creatives
For each campaign, we test 5-10 different creatives: in terms of graphics and content. We try different messages and approaches to the audience. Later, only the winners will remain, and we will understand how to move forward.