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Hardware Keyloggers

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 7:21 am
Hardware keyloggers are physical devices attached to a computer. They are less common and more difficult to deploy. Deployment can be done during the manufacturing process or after deployment. Some hardware variants can be installed during the manufacturing process, including BIOS-level keyloggers.

They can be placed between the keyboard and the computer, intercepting list of austria whatsapp phone numbers keystrokes as they are transmitted. There are different types of hardware keyloggers, including:

USB keyloggers : These devices plug into a computer's USB port, with the keyboard connected to the keylogger. They can capture all keystrokes. They can also be integrated directly into your keyboard.
Wireless keyloggers : These devices intercept signals from wireless keyboards, capturing keystrokes transmitted over the wireless connection.
In the case of wireless keyloggers, they can often be difficult to detect. This is because they are not software-dependent and can operate independently of the computer's operating system. This means that no antivirus will be able to detect them.


Keylogger Software
They are often installed as part of a larger malware , such as a Trojan or rootkit . Such a keylogger is easier to introduce onto a target machine, as it typically does not require physical access. It has the ability to impersonate an API of the target machine's operating system, allowing the keylogger to record every keystroke as it is performed. There are several variants of software keyloggers.