If you are a business that wants to use the WhatsApp channel more seriously, the version that suits you is definitely the WhatsApp Business API version. Do you want to try out what a WhatsApp Business API line looks like? Connect to the Auronix helpline and chat with our sales bot or scan this QR code:
What are the challenges of using WhatsApp Personal or WhatsApp list of poland whatsapp phone numbers Business to run your business?
If you have tried to manage WhatsApp for your business in a "manual" way in the past, either from your own personal line or by enabling WhatsApp Business lines on your cell phone or via WhatsApp web, without using the WhatsApp API, you will surely have discovered that this has several challenges when you start to have more contacts from your clients.
1) It becomes difficult to attend several simultaneous chats
2) It is impossible to attend chats from several cell phones or computers, with several people
3) In case the cell phone or the WhatsApp Web session is passed around, it becomes difficult to keep track of who said what
4) If it is necessary to copy the conversation to a CRM, ticketing system or collection management system, this must be done "by hand"
5) If you want to attend 7x24, it must be done with a person since bots cannot be connected to these types of lines
6) Whoever has access to the WhatsApp line can delete what they answered or take the phone, which prevents the company from correctly controlling the information.