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Social Networks, so every time you

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 10:06 am
by Anamika43SA
Instagram ranks stories that have been created from its own app better, using its polls, stickers, and the multitude of options it offers you. Therefore, you don't need to go through the trouble of looking for story creation apps because on Instagram you already have it all.

In conclusion, we want you to be clear that not all content works on are going to publish an image or video you should ask yourself at least the following questions so that your graphic content works and you get good engagement rates: What do I want to communicate? Who am I addressing? Is the graphic content appropriate for this social network? Is the message (copy) that I list of morocco whatsapp phone numbers want to convey aligned with the graphic content? Do I follow the line of the corporate identity manual? Is what I am going to publish attractive?Like any Internet user, there are surely certain purchases that you already make online, and even if you have never given it a name as such, you are already familiar with cross-selling and up-selling , because it is not a strategy exclusive to the digital channel.

In your e-commerce strategy, cross-selling and up-selling can be key aspects and will be of great help to you in increasing the average ticket for each purchase made by your customers, in increasing sales of a product that interests you because it has a significant margin for you, in reducing the stock of a product, etc.


But what are cross-selling and up-selling in e-commerce? Cross -selling and up-selling in e-commerce are sales techniques that aim to sell more by offering services and/or products that complement what the user already intends to buy .

These are concepts that are very similar to each other and that sometimes create confusion or are difficult to distinguish. We explain more about these two concepts below with some examples. Keep reading!