February 21, 2024
Photo of Alexia Peytoureau giving tips to improve your SEO on WordPress.
Table of contents hide
1 My tips for finding relevant keywords
2 How to use UberSuggest?
3 Improve your natural referencing thanks to Google Analytics
4 Optimize your blog articles in 6 steps!
5 Improve your site’s SEO, rework your old blog posts
6 What if you forgot about position and bet on conversion?
Are you looking to improve the SEO of your WordPress site mexico whatsapp (or any other site for that matter)? I'm not going to talk about technique (we'll see that later if you're interested) but about basic elements to have good natural referencing on your website .
Here are the steps to follow to improve your SEO:
Finding relevant keywords for your business
Learn how to use UberSuggest
Using Google Analytics
Optimizing your blog articles
Reworking your old blog posts
Think conversion before position
I detail all these steps in the article and for even more support, I refer you to my Corner SEO training
I no longer leave my site in a corner with Corner SEO!
My tips for finding relevant keywords
Step one: find keywords for your site. And for free (it takes longer but it's better for you).
First of all, know that one page = one main keyword . Don't choose 17 different keywords. It won't work.
For example, if you have a business selling pearl bracelets, you will choose a related keyword (pearl bracelets can be quite good with an average of 110 monthly searches). Don't try to position yourself on pearl bracelets, gold bracelets, silver bracelets, bangles, curb chains and what have you.
But without further ado, here are the tips:
Start by clearing your brain by putting yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer: what do you think they will type to find your website?
Use Google Keyword Planner (formerly Google Adwords): you will get a range of the number of monthly searches for a given keyword
Confirm your keywords with UberSuggest (3 free searches per day)
Use Google: with auto-complete and related searches. This is a good idea to find long tail keywords (i.e. a real phrase like “flat miyuki bead bracelets”)
Analyze competing sites especially to enrich the lexical field of your main keyword.
You can find more details, including how to use Keyword Planner and Google, by reading the full article on this subject .
How to use UberSuggest?
I told you about UberSuggest as a trick to find keywords. But how exactly do you use it?
UberSuggest is a keyword generator that will give you the monthly search volume of each query (the number of times a keyword is searched on average per month), as well as its SEO difficulty level (the higher the number, the more difficult it will be to position yourself).
To use it, nothing could be simpler (no need to create an account):
Enter your keyword in the search bar (for example: pearl bracelets). Remember to select French/France
You will then get the average monthly search volume and SEO Difficulty .
But you will also get keyword suggestions that can help you choose the most suitable keyword.
More information about UberSuggest in my full article.
Improve your SEO with Google Analytics
To improve your site's SEO, it is essential to keep a regular eye on your data (KPIs or key performance indicators in French). Otherwise, how do you know if your SEO strategy is working?
Here are some key data to watch:
Compare your visits of the month with those of the previous year (in the same month): obviously if your site is recent, this is not yet possible
Look at where your visitors come from: organic search (search engines), social networks (which ones?), direct url, advertising banner, email, paid results, coming from another site linking to yours (backlink)
Consider the most visited pages on your site to find out what interests your ideal customer most.
Study your audience (age, gender, geographic location, on computer or mobile, interests, etc.)
Check the bounce rate of pages that invite action.
I explain where to find all this data in my full article on Google Analytics .
Optimize your blog posts in 6 steps!
Do you have a blog? Consider optimizing your articles so that they appear in Google search results and are then read by your ideal customers:
Choose your keywords using the tips given in the first part of this article
Optimize the title, the heading (H1) and the subtitles (H2, H3, H4…): the goal is to understand the content of your article at a glance (by reading only the headings and subtitles). Integrate your main keyword and its synonyms into your headings and subtitles
Write an optimized URL: no accents, no spaces, words separated by hyphens (from 6 -), no articles (le, la, un, une…), no apostrophes, 5 words maximum
Encourage clicks with a well-written meta description
Add at least 2 internal links (referring to other pages on your site) and one external link (to another site related to the subject obviously)
Add images under 100kb, make sure they are named in the same way as the urls and fill in the alternative text.
If you need more information, check out the full article and the 6 steps to optimizing a blog post.
Also join my free training!
Improve your site's SEO, rework your old blog posts
Now that you know how to properly optimize a blog post, perhaps you can go back to your old posts written before you had this knowledge?
Adding content to your website is great, but don't let existing content become stale or it will become completely useless.
First thing to do if you haven't already: catalog all your blog articles with the title of the article, its link and its publication date at a minimum.
Merging and Deleting Articles: If you find two short articles on the same topic, merge them into one. If you've covered a topic twice in roughly the same way, feel free to condense the two articles and delete one of them.
Structure the content with a main keyword, a rich semantic field, a title and subtitles, bold and italic, airy paragraphs, a completed meta-description... (I refer you to the previous part)
Update your content: statistical data, correction of errors, addition of information, gifs, links, images, publication date, etc.
On the other hand, do not touch the URL even if it is not well optimized! If you have internal links, this will give you 404 errors (and this is not good for SEO).
Find all my tips for reworking your old articles in the full article.
Or, you can also call on me via my optimization service !
What if you forgot about position and focused on conversion?
Occupying the first positions on the Google results page can quickly become an obsession when you have an online business. I'm not going to tell you otherwise, it's also the goal of my job as an SEO consultant.
On the other hand, natural referencing should not be done to the detriment of conversion . If you are first on a competitive query, I congratulate you, but if behind no one buys your products or services, it is not much use, do you agree?
At the same time as you work on your SEO, you should analyze your conversion rate . For your information, for a classic e-commerce site (i.e. neither Amazon, nor Ebay or similar), the conversion rate on the internet is 1%. Which means that out of 100 visitors, only one will make a purchase.
Don't hesitate to read my full article on the subject to understand the importance of the conversion rate and how to analyze and increase it (pssst: marketing helps a lot, just saying!) .
And if you need more in-depth support to improve the SEO of your WordPress site, do not hesitate to contact me . I can carry out a natural referencing audit and make recommendations, help you define your keywords, write your pages and articles or carry out your monthly SEO monitoring.
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6 tips to improve your SEO on WordPress
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- Joined: Sat Dec 07, 2024 7:16 am