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An X-ray of the digital strategies of the biggest Portuguese brands

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 3:53 am
by Raihanseo120
04 August, 2017 @ 9:04 amby Eduardo Aranhain Digital Strategy Success Stories , Digital Strategy , Digital MarketingLeave a comment
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The results achieved in Digital Marketing are reflected above all through the work carried out on social media and the results achieved in this medium. For this very reason, Digital Index Portugal 2017 analysed the results of the biggest Portuguese brands on social media in order to understand which ones are achieving the best results and which are taking a leading position in the digital race.

As we can read on the official Digital Index page , “the digital transformation of communication means putting people, now with more power due to social media, at the center of decision-making that affects brand reputation.”

For many years, the debate on digital transformation was always conducted from a purely technological perspective, but over time it became increasingly clear that technology alone was not enough to change the behavior hong kong email list of stakeholders. As the digital phenomenon grew, the importance of communication as an agent of transformation became more evident.

In this study, LLORENTE & CUENCA decided, based on a reference model in Communication metrics based on the Integrated Assessment Framework of AMEC (Association of Measurement and Evaluation of Communication), to create the first edition of the digital brands ranking (Digital Index) for Portugal.

What are the 25 biggest Portuguese brands in digital?
After analyzing 25 brands/companies from the main business sectors in the national market – chosen based on the Exame article 500 Largest & Best Companies in Portugal 2016 – the result was the following table:


An analysis of the figures shows that NOS is indeed the most relevant brand in Portugal. It is followed by one of its main competitors, MEO , and the Pestana Hotels Group , which has the best balance between positive and negative mentions – a parameter known as Sentiment.

Regarding relevance, a parameter in which NOS is a leader, success is determined based on the number of its own content shared on social networks and indexed in search engines. Relevance is justified by its content on networks and search engines.

On the other hand, influence is measured by interaction with followers, an area in which MEO has stood out for the work it has done with fans of its pages in the digital world. The Pestana Hotels Group , in turn, leads in the sentiment parameter, that is, the balance between positive and negative mentions in the digital context.

Taking into account the general appreciation of these three parameters, Meo is the brand with the best score in the digital communication ranking of this Digital Index Portugal 2017. It is followed by Worten , Fnac , Vodafone , NOS , Grupo Pestana Hotels , Super Bock , IKEA , Vila Galé and TAP .

MEO , Worten and Fnac lead the digital communication ranking in Portugal, based on the combination of the three Digital Transformation indicators (Leadership). In turn, the Telecommunications and Retail sectors achieve the best scores and the Energy sector, on the other hand, closes the ranking with the worst position in terms of Leadership.

TAP and Super Bock demonstrate a strategy focused on relationships with their followers and community building, with significant scores in the Influence indicator. The Tourism sector recorded the most positive sentiment in the study, with Pestana Hotels leading this indicator.