How to make your digital marketing plan effective for your company
Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:31 am
Digital marketing is more direct, passionate and calculating than online communication and is focused on reaching the numbers desired by the company. It is curious to see how in digital marketing a community is not needed (unlike digital communication) to carry out specific actions of SEM, Social Ads or with Influencers, and that direct to a website with the objective of capturing leads and generating conversions. Everything must be previously calculated with maximum precision. This is where the importance of having a detailed digital marketing plan and all its phases comes into play . Here is its weight.
The phases of work in a Digital Marketing plan
Brands struggle daily to evoke emotions in their customers, and achieve greater awareness and engagement . They seek to achieve a loving relationship with their consumers that will last forever. A brand today aspires to become a human being seeking to have a relationship with another human being. This is Marketing.
In any digital marketing plan there are three phases of work to keep in mind:
On the one hand, the audit through which an analysis is carried out of the company's different digital platforms, and also of some other competing brands.
Next, conclusions must be drawn to internally identify the threats, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, as well as the knowledge of the different teams in the organization regarding digital transformation.
It is necessary to know the current female phone number data digital situation of the company (considering how its identity is projected in online channels) in order to create or adjust the digital strategy.
MD work phases
How to define strategy and tactics in a digital marketing plan
After the initial analysis as an audit and consultancy, we would move on to the next phase in our digital marketing plan: Strategy and Tactics . In this phase, the action plan (organic and ads ) must be designed for each channel and audience studied, defining short, medium and long-term objectives. In order to deal with these changes and tactical actions proposed in the strategy, it is advisable to divide the different actions to be carried out into micro work phases and add the time period for each stage.)
In the strategy part, we can consider content actions, SEO, Social Ads, SEM, Inbound Marketing, mailing, among others. To do this, we can use the most commonly used marketing tools . We must be realistic and aware, taking into account the resources we have for each of them. Without a doubt, the strategy is the main phase and will mark the course of the brand through online platforms. Incorporating planning in this phase will help us to establish a roadmap and be aware of all the campaigns that we must promote throughout the year.
In the strategy phase, it is very valuable to define the axes, based on the objectives, that will mark the actions that we are going to carry out . And, above all, it is necessary to build a creative story associated with the brand identity, which allows users (potential leads) to connect with the company, with factors that go beyond the product or service. Generate an emotional bond through the brand's personality and its commitment, as we explain in our article on how to make a digital marketing plan .
As regards brand content, and according to the method developed by the consultancy be shared, specialised in digital communication, employer branding and personal branding, special attention must be paid to consistency in content, proactivity, participation of community followers, proximity, attention and response, and above all to user loyalty through digital channels. Attracting new customers is necessary, but keeping them loyal is essential.
The third phase focuses on reviewing, measuring and adjusting the tactical actions included in the digital marketing strategy based on ROI (Return on Investment). Based on the budget we have, we will be able to see if we have managed to meet our objectives. In addition, it is advisable to review the defined strategy every three to six months. We must remember that digital marketing will also allow us to build an identity on the Internet, in a coherent and uniform way to the image of the company.
Phases in the digital marketing strategy
Brands are the building blocks of a company, and brand equity is the main marketing weapon for attraction . Branding is not a given, nor is it done overnight. A lot of dedication is required to build a brand, from its launch to its entire life cycle.
A brand is faithful to the values that identify it and that it wants to transmit to the public . There are many companies that create a brand, but that do not carry out branding actions to catapult it, instead that brand becomes unknown to many or, in the worst case, is buried in oblivion.
To prevent this from happening, the first thing to do is to analyse the brand's situation and come up with a good digital strategy. Think about whether we have chosen the right name, image, who we are targeting with this brand, the ideas that come to mind when you hear that brand or see its logo, etc. We must break down all the creative elements that make up a brand to know if we are on the right track.
Brand positioning phase
Next, once we are convinced of our brand, we must establish a strategy for its dissemination and positioning . To do this, we must take into account all our existing communication channels. Orphan brands are those that die along the way due to not having initially established a marketing strategy.
Whenever we are in front of a brand we think about these four points:
The image (creativity)
The message (communication)
The idea you want to convey (marketing)
Everything that makes it different (unique characteristics)
We associate brands with images that form in our minds through inputs. Through the effect of social media, we have managed to make brands more human, to get closer to people and vice versa. This is a great step forward for all those companies that had been left orphaned so that they can be sponsored by a new public present in digital life. For them, too, it is an opportunity to make themselves known in society, and what better way to take advantage of these communication channels without borders to strengthen their brand and increase their notoriety.
In the end, we have to think about building a community of followers around the brand that reinforces our identity and reputation, and to do so we have to make sure that both our message and image resonate in their minds, and allow them to live unparalleled experiences whenever they approach our brand.
There are no boundaries between one world and the other. In fact, it is now much more difficult to control the impact that our brand can achieve, due to the large number of existing channels. That is why, now more than ever, we must pay more attention and detail to the image and narrative of the brand in our strategy, because otherwise it can be distorted at some of the points of contact with the public, both on and off the Internet.
Phases of branding in the digital marketing plan
Through the phases of branding, a brand transmits values and creates an identity in which the public recognises itself and establishes an emotional relationship. But for this to happen, it is necessary to forge a solid, coherent, uniform identity with the same criteria, regardless of the channel or medium where it ends up being projected.
Now, in the phases of a brand's branding plan, it is reflected in the company's product catalogue, in the press release and on the website; through to customer service on social networks, in an inbound marketing action and even in an advertising banner inserted in an information portal, or in the digital dossier of the event that the brand organized last week.
Until recently, it was said that what differentiated big brands from the rest was branding. However, this has changed in recent years. Little by little, companies, regardless of the sector in which they operate, have realized the importance of branding and have begun to take care of their image and messages in each of their communication channels. Yes, also on social networks…
MD work phases
How do brands understand branding in 2022?
Brands have to maintain their values and personality, and not change their value proposition or their positioning strategy, because what has changed is the way of reaching the public and the language that should be used in each channel: stickers, emoticons, hashtags, @... If a brand has always been groundbreaking and chatty as is the case of Mediamarkt, it should also be so in its digital channels (as it shows every day), and if a brand was classic and conservative as Mercedes Benz has projected itself over the years, that is how it should be seen now in its networks (although with more creative content). And if the brand were Red Bull we would be faced with a wild and youthful image. There is no doubt about this.
The phases of work in a Digital Marketing plan
Brands struggle daily to evoke emotions in their customers, and achieve greater awareness and engagement . They seek to achieve a loving relationship with their consumers that will last forever. A brand today aspires to become a human being seeking to have a relationship with another human being. This is Marketing.
In any digital marketing plan there are three phases of work to keep in mind:
On the one hand, the audit through which an analysis is carried out of the company's different digital platforms, and also of some other competing brands.
Next, conclusions must be drawn to internally identify the threats, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, as well as the knowledge of the different teams in the organization regarding digital transformation.
It is necessary to know the current female phone number data digital situation of the company (considering how its identity is projected in online channels) in order to create or adjust the digital strategy.
MD work phases
How to define strategy and tactics in a digital marketing plan
After the initial analysis as an audit and consultancy, we would move on to the next phase in our digital marketing plan: Strategy and Tactics . In this phase, the action plan (organic and ads ) must be designed for each channel and audience studied, defining short, medium and long-term objectives. In order to deal with these changes and tactical actions proposed in the strategy, it is advisable to divide the different actions to be carried out into micro work phases and add the time period for each stage.)
In the strategy part, we can consider content actions, SEO, Social Ads, SEM, Inbound Marketing, mailing, among others. To do this, we can use the most commonly used marketing tools . We must be realistic and aware, taking into account the resources we have for each of them. Without a doubt, the strategy is the main phase and will mark the course of the brand through online platforms. Incorporating planning in this phase will help us to establish a roadmap and be aware of all the campaigns that we must promote throughout the year.
In the strategy phase, it is very valuable to define the axes, based on the objectives, that will mark the actions that we are going to carry out . And, above all, it is necessary to build a creative story associated with the brand identity, which allows users (potential leads) to connect with the company, with factors that go beyond the product or service. Generate an emotional bond through the brand's personality and its commitment, as we explain in our article on how to make a digital marketing plan .
As regards brand content, and according to the method developed by the consultancy be shared, specialised in digital communication, employer branding and personal branding, special attention must be paid to consistency in content, proactivity, participation of community followers, proximity, attention and response, and above all to user loyalty through digital channels. Attracting new customers is necessary, but keeping them loyal is essential.
The third phase focuses on reviewing, measuring and adjusting the tactical actions included in the digital marketing strategy based on ROI (Return on Investment). Based on the budget we have, we will be able to see if we have managed to meet our objectives. In addition, it is advisable to review the defined strategy every three to six months. We must remember that digital marketing will also allow us to build an identity on the Internet, in a coherent and uniform way to the image of the company.
Phases in the digital marketing strategy
Brands are the building blocks of a company, and brand equity is the main marketing weapon for attraction . Branding is not a given, nor is it done overnight. A lot of dedication is required to build a brand, from its launch to its entire life cycle.
A brand is faithful to the values that identify it and that it wants to transmit to the public . There are many companies that create a brand, but that do not carry out branding actions to catapult it, instead that brand becomes unknown to many or, in the worst case, is buried in oblivion.
To prevent this from happening, the first thing to do is to analyse the brand's situation and come up with a good digital strategy. Think about whether we have chosen the right name, image, who we are targeting with this brand, the ideas that come to mind when you hear that brand or see its logo, etc. We must break down all the creative elements that make up a brand to know if we are on the right track.
Brand positioning phase
Next, once we are convinced of our brand, we must establish a strategy for its dissemination and positioning . To do this, we must take into account all our existing communication channels. Orphan brands are those that die along the way due to not having initially established a marketing strategy.
Whenever we are in front of a brand we think about these four points:
The image (creativity)
The message (communication)
The idea you want to convey (marketing)
Everything that makes it different (unique characteristics)
We associate brands with images that form in our minds through inputs. Through the effect of social media, we have managed to make brands more human, to get closer to people and vice versa. This is a great step forward for all those companies that had been left orphaned so that they can be sponsored by a new public present in digital life. For them, too, it is an opportunity to make themselves known in society, and what better way to take advantage of these communication channels without borders to strengthen their brand and increase their notoriety.
In the end, we have to think about building a community of followers around the brand that reinforces our identity and reputation, and to do so we have to make sure that both our message and image resonate in their minds, and allow them to live unparalleled experiences whenever they approach our brand.
There are no boundaries between one world and the other. In fact, it is now much more difficult to control the impact that our brand can achieve, due to the large number of existing channels. That is why, now more than ever, we must pay more attention and detail to the image and narrative of the brand in our strategy, because otherwise it can be distorted at some of the points of contact with the public, both on and off the Internet.
Phases of branding in the digital marketing plan
Through the phases of branding, a brand transmits values and creates an identity in which the public recognises itself and establishes an emotional relationship. But for this to happen, it is necessary to forge a solid, coherent, uniform identity with the same criteria, regardless of the channel or medium where it ends up being projected.
Now, in the phases of a brand's branding plan, it is reflected in the company's product catalogue, in the press release and on the website; through to customer service on social networks, in an inbound marketing action and even in an advertising banner inserted in an information portal, or in the digital dossier of the event that the brand organized last week.
Until recently, it was said that what differentiated big brands from the rest was branding. However, this has changed in recent years. Little by little, companies, regardless of the sector in which they operate, have realized the importance of branding and have begun to take care of their image and messages in each of their communication channels. Yes, also on social networks…
MD work phases
How do brands understand branding in 2022?
Brands have to maintain their values and personality, and not change their value proposition or their positioning strategy, because what has changed is the way of reaching the public and the language that should be used in each channel: stickers, emoticons, hashtags, @... If a brand has always been groundbreaking and chatty as is the case of Mediamarkt, it should also be so in its digital channels (as it shows every day), and if a brand was classic and conservative as Mercedes Benz has projected itself over the years, that is how it should be seen now in its networks (although with more creative content). And if the brand were Red Bull we would be faced with a wild and youthful image. There is no doubt about this.