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Keys to success for the stages of the conversion funnel

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 8:44 am
by zihadhosenjm03
A conversion funnel is nothing more than a sales funnel, that is, a representation of all the steps and stages that a user completes until they become a customer. In this article, we are going to delve deeper into this topic by giving you useful tips to help you successfully progress through the stages of the conversion funnel .

Getting the user's attention, the first step
A conversion or sales funnel can be divided into four main stages; brazil whatsapp number data 5 million discovery, research, decision and, finally, action. In this first part of discovery, also known as TOFU ( Top of the funnel ), what matters is generating more visits and traffic to the website and to do so you must attract the attention of Internet users and gain online visibility . However, this type of action can require several months of dedication.

Through a content marketing strategy you can build a remarkable reputation for your brand. At the same time, SEO strategies will help you improve the positioning of your website for those phrases that your target audiences are searching for. While a good social media strategy will create a cosmos of followers with whom you can share, converse, entertain and build loyalty.


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At this stage, you offer content that speaks to the problems your buyers have : you help them explore and learn about different perspectives of their needs. Your communication is educational and useful for building a good reputation. In the TOFU, they have not yet shown interest in you, but they are aware that they have a problem to solve and are looking for information. And this is the best moment in which your brand can appear and present itself as the solution to their problems.

In this first stage, we are interested in attracting the largest number of qualified people in order to move them towards the end of the funnel. Of all of them, only a small percentage will become final customers, so the more users we reach in this first step, the greater the possibility of generating more sales. In this context, the figure of the trafficker becomes important , who, as their name indicates, is the one who must manage to increase the traffic of users to this funnel of conversions and sales. To do this, not only communication and content marketing must be worked on, but digital advertising can also be of great help in reaching that user potentially interested in what your brand offers.

stages of the conversion funnel

After discovering that need, comes the research part, in which, if we have successfully caught their attention, they will consider our brand. And it is now that we propose an experience to the user: an exchange. Their contact information in exchange for something they need; an ebook , an excerpt from a book, a masterclass, etc.

At this point, we need to take great care of the image we offer to the user on the landing page and put ourselves in their shoes. Is the content valuable? Do we explain the benefits of this exchange clearly on the landing page ? Do we take advantage of smart forms to save time for recurring users?

Correct segmentation of leads
Once we have the user's data, they become a lead, and we are in the MOFU ( Middle of the funnel ) stage , the most important and critical part of the process, since from here we must go after these leads so that they end up making the purchase and go from being users to customers . Of course, taking into account how to classify, segment and treat them.

Many users will come to your website again and again, leave their details and learn from you, but will never make a purchase. However, a correct segmentation and evaluation of leads according to their behavior can be the change that allows you to focus your efforts on real purchasing potential . Segmenting and evaluating the lead according to its behavior allows you to focus on those with real purchasing potential.

At this stage, lead scoring and lead nurturing are the most effective tools for distilling audience segments. At the MOFU stage, you can start offering the lead content that talks about you , your brand, and its products. Sweep away the lead's purchase objections with your arguments and actions.

From decision to successful purchase action
Once you have reached a qualified lead and have had all the positive interactions that were expected, then it is appropriate to invite them to buy or try (if applicable) the product or service.

At this stage of the BOFU ( Bottom of the funnel ) , a critical aspect for conversion success is that messages must have a plus of design and well-structured texts that trigger a call to action.

The type of text and design will always depend on the final target you are addressing. Closing commercial transactions in the B2B sector is much more complicated than in B2C. In the former, the sales cycle is slower, users are reserved and reluctant to give away their contact information and also prefer closer and more personal encounters with the brand . If the type of product so requires, the purchase in this case must be closed through an offline commercial contact , who must be very careful, skillful and free to make opportune offers.

B2B users are those you can pamper with industry reports, free demos, and success stories.

The importance of generating loyal and satisfied customers
Building customer loyalty through good service is enough. But if your brand has characteristics that allow the development of a concept that really impacts and is incorporated into the life stories of your audiences, then you have to go all out to get a percentage of unconditional loyal customers whom you pamper with loyalty programs, discounts and impeccable service. Give them a smile or a tickle of satisfaction when they think of you.

Getting a community loyal to your brand can be achieved through a good content marketing strategy, an impeccable brand identity and ensuring that all of this is transmitted in all aspects related to your company. Of course, keeping your customers happy is an essential part of achieving this. There is no greater advertising effectiveness than having a large group of satisfied customers recommending you.

As we have seen, a sale is not direct, it involves a series of steps and stages until it is completed. The best thing about this process is that it saves you the cumbersome manual work of contacting everyone who approaches your brand. Everything happens automatically and full-time. The marketing team monitors and improves the processes while the leads evolve through the conversion funnel .