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What is neuroscience and how can you use it to increase your online sales?

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 8:33 am
by zihadhosenjm03
Neuroscience is the science that studies the structure and functioning of the human nervous system, more specifically, how the brain receives, integrates and processes information, and thus understands why humans behave as they do in a specific environment and what role curiosity and emotions play in the acquisition of new knowledge and attitudes .

Although it is a very recent science, since its beginnings in the list of belarus whatsapp phone numbers mid-20th century, neuroscience has evolved by leaps and bounds and today it is more involved in our daily lives than we think, finding it in the business world " neuromarketing ", in the world of mental relaxation " mindfulness ", in the field of education " neuroeducation " ... In today's post we will focus on neuromarketing, we will teach you how to understand your customers and what techniques to use to increase your online sales.


It is now scientifically proven that humans acquire new knowledge by experimenting and, above all, by getting excited; and not by memorizing or repeating, as was once thought. By knowing a little more about the needs of your clients, the behavior of your users when purchasing and what factors they take into account in the purchasing process, you will be able to sell more.

Almost 70% of users abandon the purchase process before finishing. Do you want to know what to do to make your sales part of the remaining 30%?


80% of the purchasing process is emotional. We have to make our customers feel good during their purchasing process. Neuroscience shows that people base their choices between various products on emotions and that, if we know how, we can influence this decision by directing the customer without them knowing it. Let's give some examples:
People prefer to receive something as a gift rather than to be offered a discount on something they buy. And who doesn't like to receive something as a gift? What many don't know is that their reason is betraying them because they don't usually perceive a discount as a gift, even though it really is. In other words, they are more receptive to a 3 for 2 than to a 50% discount.

Furthermore, a “€20 discount” has a much greater impact on users than a “20% discount”.

Salespeople sell. Consultants offer solutions. We often feel uncomfortable and unreceptive when a salesperson recites all the wonderful qualities of what they want to sell us.
However, an advisor does not. An advisor is an expert in a specific subject who happens to have the solution to a need or problem that the client has with your product or service. Sounds better, right? So change the word “salesperson” to “advisor” and you will see how your clients will be much more receptive.

Using informal address closes more sales. It is clear that we must always be polite and respectful, but it has been proven that using informal address closes more sales. People are very much driven by relationships, we prefer to do business with people with whom we have an emotional connection. By using informal address closes more sales with informal address, you will attract familiarity and bring your customers closer to you or your brand. So whenever you can and the situation allows it, use informal address closes with your customers.
Don't focus on the product to sell the product. Remember, 80% emotional and 20% rational. You will get your customers interested in your products if you manage to create the desire to buy them, and you will achieve this by showing them what results or benefits they produce and not their characteristics.
Make your customers' brains associate your products with positive states such as: happiness, comfort, productivity, calm or joy... go further and suddenly you will stop selling a simple product for an emotion that your customers will remember.

A picture is worth a thousand words , and in neuroscience, even more so. More than 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual, so images increase brand retention in long-term memory. So, increase the presence of graphic material that excites your customers during the purchasing process and you will have a better chance of closing the sale.
We have just seen, in general terms, the most important points of neuroscience: provoking emotions, connecting with our clients, being empathetic and social to sell more.

Of course, it is much easier to close a sale with a face-to-face deal, but how do you do it if you sell your products online? By making some changes to your website you can positively influence to achieve better results and sell more, let's see how:

Provide clear information and make the purchasing process easy and intuitive . The verification stage is the most important to close the sale, be clear about what you offer so that the user is not left with any doubts.
Use techniques that allow you to influence the user's choice of sale . Offer a "third option" that is not as good so that the other two are much more attractive by comparison. For example: Offer a third option that is much more expensive and you will be more likely to feel that they are making a very good purchase by choosing either of the other two options.
People are social beings. Human beings are social, and this is a quality that we can take advantage of. We trust the opinion and criteria of other people who have tried the product or service we are interested in, especially when we are not sure about the purchase; therefore, it is important that your brand maintains a lively image on social networks, where the opinions of other customers are expressed, where you can approach them, and they can contact you so that you can attend to their needs; in this way you will positively influence the opinion of your website, generating greater trust.
Simplify shopping options . Create a “best sellers” or “latest” section and avoid overwhelming the user with too much information or an oversupply of products.
Keep the user informed . Users like to know they are in control, and they do so by being informed and believing they are making a rational decision.
Avoid filling your website with advertising . The more advertising, the more you will distract the user during the purchasing process and the more rejection you will cause in the user towards the purchasing process, and that is not in your interest.
Your website is your showcase . Take care of and pamper your website's image.
You have less than 1 minute to create interest . Users need about 50 seconds to know if they are interested in your website or not. So you must win the user over from the start to keep their interest alive.
Reduce the fear of paying . People don’t like paying, and it can even cause anxiety. Reduce this fear by using new words like “add to cart” and make the process smoother.
Although today, all major brands use neuroscience to adapt their marketing tactics and “awaken” a specific emotion in their customers, only 2 out of 10 companies use these strategies to define their sales strategies, and if you take advantage of it, it can be an advantage for you over your competitors.