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What is digital transformation and how can you be part of it?

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 7:08 am
by najmulislam100
Digital transformation is bringing changes to the market, creating new business models and organizational cultures focused on innovation. As a result, companies that have not yet adapted to this new moment end up losing competitive advantages .

The main aspect of this transformation is the restructuring of processes, with a focus on increasing productivity and reducing errors through digital resources.

In this sense, for businesses that still need to update themselves, we can say that digital transformation in business is structured in essential aspects that we will discuss below. Do you want to know what it is and how to make the transformation reach your company? Follow along!

What is digital transformation?
Placing technology at the center of all business operations, including management itself. This is the big change that digital transformation brings.

From there, other changes are also necessary, such as the creation of a culture compatible with the new model, so that it enhances the effects of this new positioning of the company in relation to technology.

Furthermore, another important focus of this trend is customer experience, which becomes one of the priorities of companies.

Knowing that the new consumer is highly connected, businesses female database are looking for ways to monitor their habits and even anticipate them to generate increasingly positive impacts on commercial relationships.

In 2017, a study carried out by the Consumer Protection Service (SPC Brasil) and the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL), in the country's capitals, showed that 89% of people who access the internet made at least one purchase in the last year.

How to be part of it?
As mentioned above, digital transformation involves the main elements of a company, seeking digital solutions for each of them. These elements are essentially:


customer experience
To be part of this transformation, it is necessary to adopt measures that bring benefits in all areas, optimizing investments.

Among these measures, we must highlight here the main tools of digital transformation, which promote effects in all sectors. Understand better what these tools are!

1. Strategic planning
For an investment to be explored to its full potential, it is necessary to have a plan that directs it towards specific objectives.

If a company intends to invest in a technology, it needs to understand the improvements it intends to obtain with this resource, setting goals and using performance indicators to measure its progress.

2. Software, equipment and cloud storage
After planning the new strategies and objectives that the business wants to achieve, it is time to look for tools to structure the digital transformation.

At this point, software, equipment and cloud computing come into play, solving a large part of a company's internal and external demands.

At this stage, it is important to have a good understanding of the technologies, always seeking to optimize functions so as not to waste money and create a backlog of unnecessary tools. The watchword here is integration.

3. Digital leadership

Finally, the third essential aspect for the migration to the digital model to actually occur is to have prepared leaders. We know that people who occupy leadership positions have a great influence on the company as a whole.

Therefore, it is necessary to make this influence a force capable of motivating employees to seek innovation, work with creativity and engagement.

Often, what is missing for companies to migrate to this model once and for all is precisely these change-oriented leaders. Therefore, have digital leaders and the digital transformation will happen.