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What is advertising psychology

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:19 am
by msthiramoni367
Do an exercise, think of an advertisement that moved you. Do you remember it? The feelings it conveyed to you were not a coincidence, but were exactly what it wanted to convey. And this is known as advertising psychology . An advertisement is not published at a certain time just because, it does not generate certain emotions because it happened in that way and not another... but it was what was expected of it.

And this is what advertising psychology does, it awakens emotions and feelings to get the audience that sees or perceives it to take some action, mostly a purchase . But what is advertising psychology? Let's see it.

What is advertising psychology
Advertising psychology aims to analyze the impact that advertising has on the audience, that is, on people, studying the characteristics and dissemination of this advertising and thus, drawing conclusions , media directors email list such as; which colors have the most impact, which typography works best, how messages are most resonant, etc.

Thanks to these conclusions, advertising psychologists can understand the consumption habits of users , establishing strategies that will serve to create and design future advertising campaigns.

This analysis has become essential to understand the values ​​that consumers rely on when purchasing a product or service . But not only this, but also to understand how the process of persuasion, condition and suggestion of the consumer by brands is to convince a user to purchase their products or services .

What is advertising psychology?
By knowing people's characteristics and consumption habits, it is much easier to create advertising campaigns that influence them and make them buy. But how is this achieved? Through 4 specific strategies that govern the basic principles of advertising psychology.

Mechanistic or repetitive
Being repetitive gives us two options: a user gets tired of us and ends up hating the brand, or ends up buying. Constantly repeating an advertisement or slogan is a good way to gain visibility and be present in the consumer's mind .

Persuasion is the action that aims to place a product above its competitors. To achieve this, it highlights the attributes, advantages and best features of these products compared to those of its competitors.

The product is only presented to users who may be interested in the product , that is, those that fit their lifestyle, tastes, culture, way of doing things, etc.

This type of advertising is based on psychoanalytic techniques to delve into the deepest parts of the user, focusing on anguish, fear, anxiety, stress... that is, it alters them in order to then sell them a magical product that will combat it all.

Strategies of advertising psychology
Within advertising psychology, we find language, signs and symbols, shapes and colors as fundamental bases . These elements are what set the pace, that is, the reaction we expect the user to have in response to an advertisement, a brand or a product/service.

The language
Language is essential to communicate with consumers and thus influence their decision-making. Language or communication is part of our daily life, messages are mainly based on it. According to Roman Jakobson, a Russian linguist, phonologist and literary theorist, he said that language has six functions:

Metalinguistics : define, explain and argue to demonstrate.
Reference : Focus on the product.
Expressive : highlight the values ​​and appreciations about what is being discussed.
Applicative : involving the receiver explicitly or implicitly to convince him.
Phatic : language based on maintaining contact or relationship with the receiver.
Poetic : measuring words carefully to convince someone.