What happens if software errors cause damage? If software errors occur, manufacturers can be held liable under the principles of product and producer liability even if there is no contractual relationship. However, in these cases the manufacturer is only liable if a software error has caused damage to those legal assets that have a special value according to the legal system, such as health or property. In order to avoid liability, the manufacturer must eliminate the danger resulting from the software error.
However, it is difficult to establish general principles for this. 6. How can users canada phone number library recognize “secure” software? Clear proof of secure software can never be provided. However, recognized certificates can be an indicator of high-quality software. However, it cannot be ruled out that software still contains errors and security flaws despite certificates. Another indicator of high-quality software is if there are no entries for the software in the relevant databases for security vulnerabilities. These include the OWASP, CWE, NVD, CAPEC, CVE, VDBs databases.
In addition, software should always be purchased from trustworthy suppliers. 7. A fundamental requirement for secure use is that all technology corresponds to the latest state of development. Every update that is not installed represents a risk if it leaves a known security gap open. Updating the individual components is not a one-off process, but an ongoing process. Unauthorized access or misuse can be better avoided if users adapt their programs to their own way of working.
What can users do to make the use of software more secure?
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