The car sped down the highway

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The car sped down the highway

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To get some help, they can use paraphrasing tools. You’ll notice that we’ve mentioned removing repetition and improving vocabulary together in the heading. When a paraphrasing tool removes repetition, the user automatically learns new words. Neat, right? Let’s look at an example of this use case. Input Text: The car was speeding along the highway. It passed by many cars until it came to the car that it was chasing. The first car bumped into the second car, which caused the second car to smash into the line of parked cars along the highway although no one really parks their car on a highway.

Output Text: He drove past many cars until he hit the car he was chasing. The gambling data mexico first vehicle collided with the second vehicle, causing the second vehicle to collide with a line of parked cars along the highway, even though no one actually parked the car on the highway. As you can see in the output, the word ‘vehicle is used in place of the overly repeated word ‘car’… even though the overall quality of the text is still pretty lame. Use Number 3: Eliminating Plagiarism Accidental plagiarism troubles almost every writer.

Although other types of plagiarism, such as direct, mosaic, and source-based, are perpetrated intentionally, accidental plagiarism is (as the name indicates) not the product of deliberate design. To solve the problem of accidental plagiarism, paraphrasing tools can greatly help. For example, if you ever finish writing something and find it contains a lot of plagiarism, you can paraphrase those parts to make them unique. While we’re on it, we should mention that although it is fine and acceptable for some to use paraphrasing on their original (but coincidentally ‘plagiarized’) content, the same is not the case with someone else’s work.
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