The pleasure of reading a book you were looking forward to can be spoiled by a large number of typos or sentences that don't make sense. Either the proofreader didn't do a good job, or - unfortunately, this also happens - he wasn't invited to work on the work. However, this shouldn't happen, because it is an expression of disrespect towards the reader.
Web texts deserve the same care as book texts. The user should not have a problem understanding them and should not be disturbed by any errors. After all, you don't want to discourage a potential list of usa consumer email customer with unnecessary rudeness or incomprehensible communication. You might wonder how much it matters. It looks very unprofessional when you have grammatical errors in your web presentation or sloppily described products in your e-shop.
" Tips for electronic language dictionaries and databases " (5 reliable sources for those who want to write content-wise and grammatically correct.)
Example of errors
For example, errors are often made with the forms of the pronoun žejť , which today are felt to be bookish and even archaic. Authors are advised to use the stylistically neutral pronoun který for these forms if they are unsure .[3] Another error is the occurrence of so-called hypercorrect expressions, such as “abysme”, “aby jste” (correctly: “abychom”, “abyste”).