How to qualify leads intelligently
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 9:12 am
If you want to qualify leads and find the best time to present the purchase opportunity, then you can't leave the customer for the next day and run the risk of missing the timing . In other words, a lead that has shown interest in learning more about the product needs to be prioritized by the sales team. In the case of a B2B product, for example, timing is crucial, since other companies don't have time to waste and are even more demanding in this regard.
Lead qualification , when done intelligently, allows the company to have a list of contacts to work on negotiations.
Much more than just selling, qualifying leads ensures that your comp bosnia and herzegovina mobile phone number any has a list of customers who are committed to purchasing products and services that will be launched in the future. In other words, your company can create and strengthen a relationship with its base of qualified leads and customers.
To make this work as well as possible, here are some tips:
Evaluate your business
Before qualifying leads , it is necessary to evaluate the company itself . When you had the idea of opening a business, you certainly thought about who would be the ideal audience for the solution you would offer through products or services.
That's why, in the business evaluation stage, you will see how much the leads on your contact list resemble the target audience that you considered ideal when you decided to have your own business.
There is no standard for this assessment, as each company has a different target audience. However, there are some important aspects that can help you guide this process.
To know if the leads on your contact list resemble your audience, you should take into account:
Line of business in which your company operates;
Which financial social class category does your lead fall into?
Is the company small, medium or large?
In which region does the business operate?
Once you've taken these aspects into consideration, you can take the leads in your contact list and see how many of them meet these specifications based on the results you've had.
For example, if your company is a digital financial institution focused on offering advanced investment options, your ideal audience is certainly not young adults looking for a digital account to receive their first salary. However, it is possible that, due to a lack of understanding, you have people from this second audience who want to know more about your product. Therefore, qualifying leads helps to separate these profiles, avoiding overloading the sales team.
Identify whether your lead really intends to buy
Within a lead qualification process, you will do many things, one of which is to analyze the behavior of this audience. For example, you can assign a score to each of the key actions that suggest purchase interest. This could be specific access to blog content, downloading rich material more focused on the bottom of the funnel, or even clicking on a CTA to “talk to the sales team”.
The so-called Lead Scoring helps to identify which stage of the funnel your potential customer is at.
What to do with unqualified leads
Just because some leads aren't qualified doesn't mean you have to give up on them and let the opportunity pass you by. Here we have lead nurturing as an alternative strategy, offering free content as a way to maintain a relationship with the audience that has reached your brand.
By gaining market share, leads will become increasingly familiar with your product or service, creating a bond that could be very valuable in the future (if the purchase makes sense for this audience at a later date, or even if they need to make a recommendation to someone they know). Therefore, invest in developing rich materials and valuable content on social media, showing your lead the versatility that your product or service offers.
Accompany them on their journey towards discovering their pain, for which you have the perfect solution. Nurturing a lead is nothing more than showing them how much your product or service can add to their lives, gradually creating an awareness of their intention to purchase.
Once a company qualifies its leads correctly, the entire business strategy benefits. Of course, several teams need to work together in this process:
The product needs to understand exactly what the users/customers' pain points are in order to develop the right solution;
Marketing needs to develop the right content and strategies, in the right tone of voice, to educate the public that has this type of pain;
Sales needs to know the product in depth, negotiating correctly to make the most of the purchasing potential of qualified leads.
Once they reach the purchase decision stage, the product area can more assertively understand what can still be done to improve the product!
This creates a cycle in which teams can increasingly improve the process, getting to know the audience and their needs to make the necessary adaptations.
Lead qualification , when done intelligently, allows the company to have a list of contacts to work on negotiations.
Much more than just selling, qualifying leads ensures that your comp bosnia and herzegovina mobile phone number any has a list of customers who are committed to purchasing products and services that will be launched in the future. In other words, your company can create and strengthen a relationship with its base of qualified leads and customers.
To make this work as well as possible, here are some tips:
Evaluate your business
Before qualifying leads , it is necessary to evaluate the company itself . When you had the idea of opening a business, you certainly thought about who would be the ideal audience for the solution you would offer through products or services.
That's why, in the business evaluation stage, you will see how much the leads on your contact list resemble the target audience that you considered ideal when you decided to have your own business.
There is no standard for this assessment, as each company has a different target audience. However, there are some important aspects that can help you guide this process.
To know if the leads on your contact list resemble your audience, you should take into account:
Line of business in which your company operates;
Which financial social class category does your lead fall into?
Is the company small, medium or large?
In which region does the business operate?
Once you've taken these aspects into consideration, you can take the leads in your contact list and see how many of them meet these specifications based on the results you've had.
For example, if your company is a digital financial institution focused on offering advanced investment options, your ideal audience is certainly not young adults looking for a digital account to receive their first salary. However, it is possible that, due to a lack of understanding, you have people from this second audience who want to know more about your product. Therefore, qualifying leads helps to separate these profiles, avoiding overloading the sales team.
Identify whether your lead really intends to buy
Within a lead qualification process, you will do many things, one of which is to analyze the behavior of this audience. For example, you can assign a score to each of the key actions that suggest purchase interest. This could be specific access to blog content, downloading rich material more focused on the bottom of the funnel, or even clicking on a CTA to “talk to the sales team”.
The so-called Lead Scoring helps to identify which stage of the funnel your potential customer is at.
What to do with unqualified leads
Just because some leads aren't qualified doesn't mean you have to give up on them and let the opportunity pass you by. Here we have lead nurturing as an alternative strategy, offering free content as a way to maintain a relationship with the audience that has reached your brand.
By gaining market share, leads will become increasingly familiar with your product or service, creating a bond that could be very valuable in the future (if the purchase makes sense for this audience at a later date, or even if they need to make a recommendation to someone they know). Therefore, invest in developing rich materials and valuable content on social media, showing your lead the versatility that your product or service offers.
Accompany them on their journey towards discovering their pain, for which you have the perfect solution. Nurturing a lead is nothing more than showing them how much your product or service can add to their lives, gradually creating an awareness of their intention to purchase.
Once a company qualifies its leads correctly, the entire business strategy benefits. Of course, several teams need to work together in this process:
The product needs to understand exactly what the users/customers' pain points are in order to develop the right solution;
Marketing needs to develop the right content and strategies, in the right tone of voice, to educate the public that has this type of pain;
Sales needs to know the product in depth, negotiating correctly to make the most of the purchasing potential of qualified leads.
Once they reach the purchase decision stage, the product area can more assertively understand what can still be done to improve the product!
This creates a cycle in which teams can increasingly improve the process, getting to know the audience and their needs to make the necessary adaptations.