Selection, systematization and evaluation of ideas

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Selection, systematization and evaluation of ideas

Post by subornaakter40 »

The best ideas are selected from the whole variety, and at this stage, unlike the previous one, all proposals are subject to active criticism by the brainstorming participants. The work will be highly effective if the discussion is conducted in a positive manner, when the opponents are focused on finding the best ways to solve the problem.

The effectiveness of brainstorming depends on many factors. A common feature for all types and forms of brainstorming is a gradual immersion into the problem. At first, participants express ideas that lie on the surface. The longer the discussion lasts, the more interesting and unconventional the options are. You cannot ignore any proposal, no denmark business email list matter how fantastic it may seem at first glance. As a rule, the desired solution is found among such original ideas.

10 Rules of Brainstorming
The first and most important rule: no criticism

Group members should not allow themselves any negative reactions to a colleague's statement. The point of brainstorming is the complete absence of any restrictions regarding the proposed options for solving the problem. Team members are faced with the task of being as relaxed as possible in order to come up with any ideas that come to mind.

Condemning phrases, rolling eyes and other disapproving gestures do not contribute to the creation of a creative and free atmosphere in which everyone can offer any, even the most extraordinary option. It is quite possible that this solution will subsequently be recognized as the best.

Rule number two: start with a warm-up

Brainstorming participants are selected from among the company's regular employees. They are used to thinking and solving problems within the framework of their specialty and level of responsibility, so brainstorming can be as difficult a test for them as running a marathon for an untrained person.

You can't just gather people in a conference room and expect them to start generating ideas on command. To tune the brain to active creative work, you need at least a little immersion in the situation. You can use exercises to improve concentration, conduct a mini-quiz to test intelligence, and give small prizes to the winners. The organizer faces a difficult but feasible task: to create optimal conditions for the free expression of any, even the most daring and unusual ideas.
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