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In general queries with a very

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:29 am
by akbhasan185
For example, if a business is located at 123 Main Street in Somewhereville, will they only show up for searchers who are walking along Main Street, or for people anywhere in the town, or for people beyond the town’s borders, or for several adjacent cities, or even the whole state? The answer to this common question depends on Google’s idea of the intent of the searcher coupled with the competitive level of the market. For instance, Google might only cast a very small radius of results if someone searches for “coffee downtown Portland”: Google Maps search for 'coffee downtown portland'.

But if I change my search to just “coffee portland”, Google expands the radius of japan consumer mobile number list the results being returned to a much larger area: Google Maps search for 'coffee portland'. Meanwhile, if I signal to Google that I’m not searching for something quick and nearby like “coffee”, and instead search for something where my intent might cover the whole state, like “wedding venues oregon”, Google again expands the results to show me quite a large region: Google Maps search for 'wedding venues oregon'.

“nearby” intent or queries happening in a dense city with many competitors located near one another will typically return a tighter radius of results. By contrast, queries that could be reasonably fulfilled by the searcher driving further, or that are seeking a rare good or service, or that take place in a rural area with few businesses tend to receive a larger radius of results. Please note my use of the phrase “in general”, because there are so many exceptions.