To get statistics for the query
Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:48 am
The tool has the following functionality: Shows statistics on impressions for a keyword, as well as search phrases that include the specified keyword. You can analyze general data or data on mobile audience queries. Shows data on requests by region. Displays data on the popularity of a query over time. The relevant information is available in the "Query History" section.
Shows statistics only for the specified phrase and its forms. To get data, put the list of argentina whatsapp phone numbers key in quotes. Displays statistics for the key without taking into account forms. To get the data, add an exclamation mark before the search phrase. Displays data for the keyword without taking into account negative keywords. "to kill a mockingbird" without taking into account the word "movie", you need to put a minus before the latter.
Shows statistics of queries using the selected preposition. To get data, put the "+" sign before the preposition. Shows statistics for a group of queries. To get information, specify query groups in parentheses and separate key variants with the "|" sign. For example, to quickly get statistics for the queries "order cake", "buy cake", "order cupcake", "buy cupcake", "order pie" and "buy pie", use the construction shown in the illustration: Shows statistics of queries linked to the specified regions.
Shows statistics only for the specified phrase and its forms. To get data, put the list of argentina whatsapp phone numbers key in quotes. Displays statistics for the key without taking into account forms. To get the data, add an exclamation mark before the search phrase. Displays data for the keyword without taking into account negative keywords. "to kill a mockingbird" without taking into account the word "movie", you need to put a minus before the latter.
Shows statistics of queries using the selected preposition. To get data, put the "+" sign before the preposition. Shows statistics for a group of queries. To get information, specify query groups in parentheses and separate key variants with the "|" sign. For example, to quickly get statistics for the queries "order cake", "buy cake", "order cupcake", "buy cupcake", "order pie" and "buy pie", use the construction shown in the illustration: Shows statistics of queries linked to the specified regions.