But you can do it differently. Study how incoming leads are processed by more successful competitors. Fill out an application with them and listen to what they tell you and how to form a funnel. Take good ideas for yourself, and turn the noted shortcomings into your advantages. Usually, a visitor analyzes and compares several available offers, after which he decides where it is better to buy. Processing incoming leads Assign one of the managers to process online applications (leads) and motivate him with a large percentage of bonus from each completed transaction (or sale) to such clients.
Set the dependence of bonuses on the sales funnel and KPI. Use Call-tracking technology – call tracking – with the ability to record and listen to them. Or combine corporate communications with smartphones. Install the “My Calls” application and listen to conversation recordings. The cost of the service for one person is 150 rubles per month. Identify an employee who will listen israel telegram data to and evaluate the effectiveness of calls. It is better to choose one of the marketers (a specialist or a department manager) interested in the effectiveness of online advertising. Make a simple table in a Google form and write down the script of the conversation (key points) with the lead from the Network.
For example: find out interests, ask clarifying questions, schedule the next communication session, etc. While listening to the dialogues in the recording, record these points. A general analysis will help to identify the mistakes of your sellers and find out at what stage the lead was merged. When playing back calls, record frequently asked questions from customers to supplement the content of your landing page or offer based on this data. This will help you get warmer customers. Connect a CRM system and automatically send requests there directly from the site to set tasks and show the deal funnel in the future.