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Final Thoughts & Takeaways

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:14 am
by Joyzfsddt66
Before we end, let me leave you with this food-for-thought.

Your background and career path will not interest everyone. It won’t appeal to everybody under the sun. Why should it? Make yourself appealing only to the people / potential audience/clients you truly value. Show your hand. And feel the relief of showing your hand and taking off your mask.

As my favourite HR advice queen Liz Ryan always says: “If they don’t get you, they don’t deserve you”. Check out Liz Ryan’s straight-talk video from The Human Workplace, the first video on the CareerLove video page. If you’ve ghana whatsapp phone number never heard Liz Ryan speak before or read her column where she answers her readers’ queries in sticky career situations, do so; you’re in for a welcome treat of humour, rare directness and cultivation of increased self-respect. Liz’s column is featured in Forbes online and shared regularly on LinkedIn (follow Liz Ryan on LinkedIn to receive the latest postings in your notifications).

Careers and job searching can be a high stakes game involving money, benefits, your overall happiness and quality of life. Like in a game of cards, you’ll be forced to show your hand sooner or later. Luckily you get to be a dealer and a player at the same time, and have chances to reshuffle and play a better hand as you move along. A hand that has power and can take you to the next round. Don’t be afraid to show that skillful hand to the right people.