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Use images, videos and other media to engage visitors

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:05 am
by sharminakter
Wikipedia fly fishing
Table of contents of the Wikipedia Fly Fishing article
Start your writing by writing content that has at least the same table of contents as a Wikipedia page on the same topic, but as with all content, add something unique and valuable to the visitor. The end result is that an individual site gains topical authority from this . That is, we provide exactly the right answer to the searcher, but we present it in a fresh way that pleases Google (and people).

Entity SEO requires a lot of linking so that Google understands what is related to what. This naturally also means a lot of content related to the same topics, but written with slightly different search intent and around different search terms. Wikipedia is a good example here too – go to any Wikipedia article, and it will link to other articles. For example, Wikipedia directs from Fly Fishing to Taimenen's page, Lure Fishing, and also to Kajaani, Herman Renfors, or the 27th FIPS-Mouche World Championship. These last three links again help Google understand the entities of places, people, and events.

When thinking about different perspectives and purchase stages, this sounds like a very familiar framework, because in other words, content is created according to our MRACE® model and we always kenya phone data create both Act, Convert and Engage content from the same topic.

Important things to remember about Entity SEO content structure
A summary of the content topic at the beginning of the text that matches the search intent
Mention synonyms for the targeted keyword in your content
Add internal links that point to the main category, such as in the Wikipedia example from the fly fishing article to the fishing or fish articles
Cite your sources and demonstrate expertise
Use heading hierarchies correctly
Take advantage of structured information
Otherwise, Entity SEO mainly focuses on high-quality search engine optimization. This includes, among other things, maintaining the technical functionality of the site, a strong back-link profile, an excellent user experience of the site, and continuous fresh and high-quality content.

What's good to remember about Entity SEO is that you create content for search intent, and that you also provide an answer to other search intents on the same topic on your site.