The 30-second spot, called “Synthetic Summer ,” recreates a party held in the backyard of a typical American home. At the party, guests are showered with beer cans and bottles adorned with eye-catching blue labels.
Like the PizzaLater spot,'s beer ad is blooper-filled, featuring deformed fingers, toothy mouths and floating objects.
The result of the advertisement, as horrendous as it is deeply hypnotic, seems like a dream produced by drug use. And although its protagonists are not real people, their denmark number screening revelry (the result of AI) seems 100% real. The fact that the 90s hit "All Stars" by Smash Mouth plays in the background contributes in any case to supporting the jovial atmosphere that reigns in the spot. has not detailed how it specifically crafted the ad, but all indications are that the production company would have hung on to the arm of Runaway's AI Gen-2 model to create the spot. apparently generated several short clips and then assembled them into the same sequence by adding music and sound effects.
Another AI-generated video that has been raking in clicks and views on social media is “The Big Catsby ,” a fake trailer inspired by Baz Luhrmann’s glamorous period films.