From all that has been said, N. should be based on questions that he divided into four categories: situational, problematic, extractive and guiding. Neil Rackham Question Groups in SPIN Selling According to life logic, if a person does not need a product, even the best and most experienced manager will not be able to sell it to him. However, marketing logic does not agree with this. It asks: "Or maybe the person does not know about his problem, or sees that something is wrong, but does not understand how dangerous it is?" He needs to feel his troubles and imagine their consequences. But first, this problem needs to be formulated. And for this, it is necessary to understand azerbaijan telegram number what the buyer's situation is. This is, in simple terms, the SPIN technology, outlined by Neil Rackham in his 1988 book of the same name: understand the client's business situation (situational questions), identify bottlenecks (problem areas), show the significant negative impact of problems (pull) and offer an effective solution (drivers). Steve Jobs once said: "You will tell them what they (your customers) need long before they know it themselves." He, of course, did not mean SPIN, but these words fit this method well. Situational questions The initial stage of negotiations is dedicated to establishing trust and building mutual understanding. The manager makes an effort to make a good impression on the counterparty. But not only. At the same time, with the help of situational questions, he tries to understand the general state of affairs in the client's company and obtain information about his needs. For example: What do you use to…? How long ago was this unit created? How are you doing now…? What equipment do you use? How many people do you employ? At this stage, the client usually feels a little relaxed - after all, the serious conversation has not yet begun, they are not selling him anything yet, it's just small talk about life, for the sake of propriety. But! Firstly, in order to tune in to a friendly wave, you need a sincere desire to listen to the client. A formal attitude to his answers is felt immediately,
it can ruin everything. Secondly, if there are too many questions of the first group, the buyer may start to get irritated. Recommended - no more than five. Someone might think: "Why do we need this "friendly wave" at all? We are here for business negotiations, we have not gathered to smile at each other." The main idea of the SPIN-selling technology is that the seller should not be an opponent for the buyer, who wants to "foist" something on him and get rich at his expense. On the contrary, this is a person who takes his difficulties to heart and helps him overcome them. And in general, "Business is, first of all, relationships" (Brad Sugars). Problematic issues Therefore, the situation is generally clear. Now it is time to get more detailed information about the problems the client is facing, what difficulties and needs he has. To reveal the essence, to understand the reasons for the problems, to understand what is actually being done. But you cannot ask “to the forehead” like: “What are your problems?” The client will most likely think: “Why is he “getting into my soul”, does he need them, my problems?”, will be wary and will probably say that he is fine. Sample questions:
Rackham concludes that negotiation tactics
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