Since Elon Musk bought Twitter , the social network has gone through several changes and updates, starting with its name change to X. As part of the new changes, the businessman completely eliminated the verification method for accounts of famous people or people with a large number of followers. Although there is still the possibility of finding accounts that have the blue check , the truth is that it is no longer necessary to maintain a prominent position within the social network to be able to acquire it, since now there is the possibility of paying a monthly fee to accompany your username with the blue check mark.
Since Twitter does not have an internal verification team to check that the person with the blue check is authentic and thus avoid identity theft or fake profiles , the social network realized that it was necessary to maintain that personal verification in some other way. This is how Musk found the solution to the problem by tunisia number screening asking users to identify themselves with their identity document and thus verify that they are truly the owner of the X account.
As is well known in the world of the Internet and especially in social networks, personal data is treated as highly valuable information that brands and large companies are increasingly looking for. For their part, users are increasingly aware of who they give their data to, which is why this new Twitter update could pose a big problem.