Link power : the number of backlinks and their quality

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Link power : the number of backlinks and their quality

Post by sakibkhan22197 »

Referring domains and backlink metrics in the Backlink Analytics report
Getting backlinks from authoritative, trustworthy, and topically relevant websites will have a beneficial effect on the quality of your backlink profile. And the performance of your website.

When your link building efforts are successful, you will naturally see these two numbers grow.

But if you're focusing on just one of them, you're better off focusing on referring domains. Getting one link from each of 10 quality domains is more impactful than getting 10 links from just one quality domain.

This is because Google sees every site that links to yours as a vote of confidence. And if 10 domains link to yours, that's 10 votes to one.

Authority Score
Authority Score (AS) is Semrush's metric that shows the quality and SEO performance of each domain or web page, expressed on a scale of 0 to 100. When calculating the AS, we take into account:

Spam Factors : The ratio of potentially spammy backlinks to natural ones
Organic traffic : an estimate of the average monthly organic traffic
There is no single number that indicates a good or bad AS.

Using AS will help you check the quality of the domains you want to build links on.

To view the AS of a domain, use Semrush's Backlink Analytics tool .

Enter a domain name and click " Analyze ".

You will see a dashboard and the "Authority Score" section.

"Authority Score" section in the Backlink Analytics report
You'll see the score (in this case, 86 ), a note explaining in more detail the authority of this website (for example, " Industry Leader"), and a graph showing the quality of the domain across three key segments.

If you hover over the green "Industry Leader" note, you'll know if a link from this domain would benefit your site.

"Authority Score" showing "86 Industry Leader" in bulgaria phone number database the Backlink Analytics report, with the explanation "This domain has an excellent backlink profile and lots of organic traffic. A link from this domain would greatly benefit your profile."
And when you hover over each segment, you'll see an explanation of the calculation:

"Natural Profile" calculation explained "Evaluates whether this website looks like it's designed for people, not search engines."
What about a website with a lower AS?

This site has a lower AS (40 ) than the example above. From the chart, it is clear that this domain has a good backlink profile and a decent amount of organic traffic.

“Authority Score” showing “40 Good and Relevant to Niche” in Backlink Analytics report
Hover over the “ Good and relevant to niche ” note, and you’ll know that a link from this domain could benefit your site. So don’t automatically rule out a site because its AS is low.

"Good and niche relevant" note "This domain has a good backlink profile and is niche relevant. A link from this domain would likely benefit your profile."
Professional advice
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