We’ve already talked about the reasons for using email marketing in your digital strategy and what makes it a good alternative for online campaigns. After all, 92% of adults use this communication tool. Now it’s time to list how to do successful email marketing. Check out the recommendations we’ve put together for you below!
An interesting subject
The subject is the first point of contact with the consumer. Ideally, the subject of the email marketing should have between 20 and 41 characters, with a maximum length of 50 characters. The subject should be created in a way that really arouses the consumer's interest to the point of making them click and open the message.
Content compatible with the subject
The content of the email must actually provide some useful information for the consumer, whether it is an offer, a tip or a congratulatory message. It is important that the text in the body of the email is related to the subject line used. There is no point in including a topic in the subject line just to force the consumer to click if the information inside is not aligned.
Strategize when the email is opened
Once you have completed the title and compatible content stage, you need to have a strategy behind sending your marketing email. The plan could be to redirect the contact to a LP, so that they can provide some information that you need for future tactics, such as offering a promotion that you want to sell or educating the consumer about a relevant change in the product or service that you offer.
Custom message
Personalization converts and engages, therefore, among the ingredients for successful email marketing is the use of a personalized message.
Attractive design
You know the saying: “a picture is worth a thousand words”, well, we france phone number data can’t take it literally, but it needs to have an attractive design so that the consumer wants to read the email and view it from start to finish.
Use tagging
There are email marketing platforms on the market that include tagging, while others do not offer this feature. Our recommendation is to opt for a tool that includes tags. This allows you to identify the contacts in your database, which makes segmentation much easier. From there, you can send the appropriate content to the person whose purchasing profile is compatible with the offer or message in the email.
Analyze return shipments
This step is extremely important, because as you probably know, the main advantage of digital marketing is being able to check the metrics of the actions taken. By analyzing the return on your emails, you will know if: