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Do you know what Advocate Marketing is?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:36 am
by mostakim
Advocate Marketing is a strategy that aims to transform satisfied customers into true brand promoters. These customers, known as "advocates," share their positive experiences with the company on their social networks, in conversations with friends and family, and in online reviews. The difference with this approach is that it uses authentic and spontaneous customer recommendations to build the brand's reputation and attract new consumers. Unlike traditional marketing, where the company talks about itself, in Advocate Marketing, the customers themselves do the talking, generating a much greater perception of trust.

Why is Advocate Marketing Effective?
The effectiveness of Advocate Marketing is directly linked to the concept of “social proof,” which suggests that people tend to follow the actions and decisions of others, especially in situations of uncertainty. When a consumer sees someone, especially someone they know or trust, recommending a brand, they feel more confident in choosing that same brand. A Nielsen study revealed that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family more than any other type of advertising.

In Brazil, the scenario is no different. According to a survey conducted by McKinsey, 67% of Brazilian consumers consider recommendations from acquaintances as the most reliable source of information before making a purchase. This makes Advocate Marketing a powerful strategy in the national market.

How to Implement an Advocate Marketing Strategy
Implementing an Advocate Marketing strategy requires planning and creating the conditions that encourage customers to become brand advocates. Here are some essential steps:

Identifying potential customers
The first step is to identify which customers have the potential to become advocates. This can be done through satisfaction surveys, analysis of social media interactions, or evaluation of purchase history. Customers bhutan business email list who have already demonstrated loyalty to the brand, such as those who have made multiple purchases or who regularly interact with the brand on social media, are great candidates.


Creating incentives
While the idea of ​​advocate marketing is based on spontaneous recommendations, creating incentives can be an effective way to encourage more customers to share their experiences. Rewards programs, exclusive discounts, or even simple public recognition on brand channels are all ways to encourage advocate engagement.

Facilitating sharing
Another crucial aspect is to facilitate the process of sharing positive experiences. This can be done by offering tools and platforms where customers can easily leave testimonials, share content or participate in discussions related to the brand. A national example is the use of specific hashtags on social media, where brands encourage customers to use these hashtags to share their experiences, thus creating an online community around the brand.

Examples of Advocate Marketing in Brazil
A notable example of Advocate Marketing in Brazil is Natura. The cosmetics company has always prioritized relationships with its consultants, who not only sell the products but also act as brand ambassadors. By providing training, support materials, and rewards to its consultants, Natura has been able to create a network of advocates who promote the brand in an organic and authentic way.

Magazine Luiza and the use of client influencers
Another example is Magazine Luiza, which, in addition to investing in digital influencers, also invests in real customers who become influencers on their own networks. The company encourages these customers to share their shopping experiences on social media, offering prizes and recognition to those who best represent the brand's values.

Impact of Advocate Marketing on Companies
The impact of Advocacy Marketing on businesses can be significant. In addition to increasing brand trust, it can also lead to a reduction in customer acquisition costs, as brand advocates act as an extension of the marketing team, promoting the brand at no additional cost. A study by Texas Tech University showed that brands with successful customer advocacy strategies have a 37% higher customer retention rate.

In Brazil, companies that adopt this strategy have seen impressive results. A report by Deloitte revealed that companies that use Advocate Marketing in the country have seen revenue growth up to 15% higher compared to those that do not adopt this practice.

Challenges and final considerations
Despite all the benefits, advocate marketing also presents challenges. The main challenge is maintaining the authenticity of recommendations, preventing customers from feeling that they are being manipulated into promoting the brand. It is essential that the company is prepared to deal with negative feedback that may arise, as genuine advocates will also not hesitate to point out flaws.

Advocate Marketing Success Stories
In addition to the examples already mentioned, other Brazilian companies have also reaped the benefits of Advocate Marketing. One successful case is that of Ambev, which developed a strong customer engagement strategy through campaigns that encourage consumers to share special moments with its products on social media. The #UmBrindeAoNossoJeito campaign, for example, mobilized thousands of people to post photos and videos celebrating with the brand's drinks, generating a significant impact on the brand's visibility and engagement.

The Role of Social Media in Advocate Marketing
Social media plays a crucial role in Advocate Marketing , especially in Brazil, where platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp are widely used. Companies that are able to create shareable and engaging content on these networks can turn their customers into true brand advocates. According to a survey by We Are Social, 62% of Brazilians use social media to seek product recommendations, which demonstrates the importance of an active and strategic digital presence.

How to Measure Advocate Marketing Success
To assess the success of an advocate marketing strategy, companies should track specific metrics such as the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which measures the likelihood of customers recommending the brand to others. Monitoring spontaneous mentions on social media, increases in customer retention rates, and growth in the number of new customers from referrals are key indicators. Analyzing these metrics allows the company to adjust its approach and maximize the impact of marketing efforts.

The success of Advocate Marketing is closely linked to transparency and genuine relationships with customers. Companies that are able to create this connection tend to stand out in the market, building a solid base of loyal customers who act as the biggest promoters of the brand by sharing it with more people.