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6 steps to start your email marketing strategy this 2021

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:03 am
by shuklamojumder093
6 steps to start your email marketing strategy this 2021
The year that is beginning is going to be decisive when it comes to establishing your company in email marketing. Here we provide you with some practical keys so that you can structure an email marketing strategy this 2021 with chances of success.

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How to structure your email marketing strategy in 2021 (and not die trying)
1. Write an attractive subject
2. Be brief and concise
3. Send messages with the right frequency
4. Make sure email readability is good
5. Customize the shipment
6. Include your social networks
How to structure your email marketing strategy in 2021 (and not die trying)
Are you still thinking about the potential of email marketing for SMEs or other organizations? Let us share a fact with you: this technique brings a return of $40 for each investment and the second most profitable technique, which is SEO, provides $22.44.

With this data we come to the conclusion that sending mass emails may be old, but it is in good health . Of course, you can't do it just any old way and, to do so, you have to follow a methodology. What we want is to make your work easier and help you optimize your investment as much as possible.

Are you ready? Then pay attention, because this is a way to be one step ahead of the rest. To prepare the campaign and attract attention you have to follow these steps:

1. Write an attractive subject
This is the basic point; if the recipient is not interested in what they read at first, the email will most likely not be read or will go to the recycle bin. Therefore, you need to write a short subject line that will catch their attention . If you are going to give away something or have a special offer, make it known, don't keep it to yourself.

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2. Be brief and concise
A good thing, if it is short, is twice as good. The person who is going to read the email is not willing to waste time, so you have to say what you need to in as few words as possible. Short emails are read more than long ones, especially if they are promotional.

3. Send messages with the right frequency
The ideal frequency can vary depending on the client. A free email marketing tool is interesting to be able to send emails frequently. The question is, what is the appropriate rhythm to not overwhelm your clients? There are studies that indicate that the ideal is to send about 6 emails per week for subscribers on average , although it will depend on your sector of activity and what you have to offer.

But remember: never send an email if you have nothing to contribute . If you abuse this resource, your reputation will suffer and the opening rate of your emails will decrease.

4. Make sure email readability is good
An email has to be easy to read and that has to do with several aspects. Firstly, make sure that the language is fresh, not convoluted and adapted to your target audience . Another aspect that you should include is the possibility of the email being scannable , because that is something that some clients demand.

5. Customize the shipment
Personalization is now a sine qua non condition for any email marketing campaign. How can this be achieved? Fortunately, there are different options that will facilitate the one-on-one dialogue that most customers are looking for:

Always address the client by his or her first name , never vp security email lists use a generic form such as “distinguished client”, “friend”… Everyone already knows that these emails are massive.
Use the personal data that the user has voluntarily given you to send specific offers . Do you have something interesting to offer that might interest him? Tell him!


Send birthday or special date greetings .
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Ultimately, all of these actions will serve to ensure that the human warmth is felt behind the email.

6. Include your social networks
Customers want to be able to interact. This means, for example, including all your social networks at the end of your communication . Doing so multiplies the chances of generating organic traffic and, consequently, conversions.

Few situations are more frustrating than wasting time due to ignorance of a certain issue. With this guide, you will avoid the problem of creating a flawed email marketing strategy for 2021 .