Consider that this technique does not allow you to have a sure success. Think about the information you have entered on your social networks, is it all truthful? Is it all complete?
Probably not.
And again, do you think all your customers are registered on social media with the email address you have?
It seems unlikely to me…
Lookalike is a great way to go beyond standard targeting options ghana phone number library and find new users, but it can be ineffective. Consider this option carefully before relying on it to build your entire strategy.
Find your B2B audience
B2B audiences aren’t always easy to find, but that doesn’t mean they’re impossible.
Just follow a few small rules:
Make sure you find the perfect buyer persona and discover their needs.
Find her on LinkedIn and social media
Make sure your site traffic is right
Refine your targeting
Take advantage of retargeting
Supercharge your lookalike strategy.
By then you’ll have done everything you can, and the leads won’t be long in coming!
Acquire new leads