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Master Class: News in Email Marketing and Marketing Automation

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 8:49 am
by rabia198
This is the 3rd consecutive year that Digital Response has organised a Master Class event to share with attendees the knowledge and expertise acquired over the years and in our daily work with our clients.

In this case, we wanted to share an event with Selligent , a B2C marketing platform, to give the Master Class a different and much more comprehensive approach.

On behalf of Digital Response , the nigeria business email list presentation will be given by Jordi Puig , General Manager, and Alejandra Castellano , Lead Email Developer, who will shed some light on the latest innovations in the field of email:


Interactive Emails
AMP for Email
Gmail Promotabs
Dynamic content

As for Selligent , Pablo Rueda , Head of Partnership Iberia, and Iñaki Bigatá , Solution Consultant, will be in charge of showing the most advanced aspects of automated marketing:

Artificial intelligence
Mobile: geolocation and integration with beacons
Examples of omnichannel

Last Friday, October 25, the 1st Master Class took place in Barcelona and next Wednesday, November 13, it will be Madrid 's turn .

This relaxed day gives us the opportunity to meet many of you, meet again with attendees from previous editions and, why not? exchange ideas and impressions and resolve doubts.

We invite you to sign up for the Madrid Master Class! Places are free but limited. They will be assigned in the same order in which reservations are made.