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Why does your company need SEO techniques?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 8:28 am
by nurnobi75
Have you ever thought about how many companies there are in the world and how many websites produce content for the internet? The number is so large that it is hard to even imagine. At this point, despair sets in: How do I stand out among so many options?

The possibilities are many, but one thing is certain: to be found in this sea of ​​websites, you need to use SEO techniques!

But what is SEO? Search Engine Optimization, better known in Brazil as website and search optimization, is the set of Inbound Marketing strategies. It is used to attract more ireland business fax list visitors to your website and, consequently, have the best ranking on Google.

To be found on the internet, use SEO techniques


Thinking about website optimization, along with your marketing strategies, is the best way to win customers through organic searches, that is, without paying for ads. This is because more than 60% of people choose between the first three options that appear in Google results (Search Engine Journal). Your website has to be one of them.

Plan your content
But it is worth remembering that your website will not become the first in line overnight. Improving your ranking on Google requires planning, effort and patience. Therefore, all your marketing content should be produced with strategies in mind to improve your business's positioning in search results.

SEO techniques range from creating the website and URL to making the page scannable, taking into account the structure of the text, photographs, use of keywords, tags, building link networks and much more. All of this is to show Google that your page can really answer the questions of the person searching for a certain topic.

Remember: if you don't get seen, you don't get remembered. So, start applying SEO rules to your content now. Plan your content with experts in the field. And ETC is here to help.