The summer holidays have started (or are in sight). This means that many people are going on holiday. For marketers, this is always a challenging period. More people on holiday means less (online) interaction on the marketing channels. This of course also leads to less sales. Companies often choose not to share any or little content with their B2B target group during this period. What a shame! In this article I share 6 tips to still reach your target group in the summer.
Because reaching your B2B target group with interesting knowledge and content while on holiday can be very beneficial. Think about it: you are on holiday and therefore in a mental state of calm. You feel free and are in a good frame of mind. Actually, this is the perfect moment to share knowledge with your target group. But how do you reach them when they are suddenly not sitting behind their desk from 9 to 5?
What I notice very much as a marketer: the reach is less, but the attention is better - provided you use your content in the right way. I give you 6 tips.
Desk with note out of office and to the beach
You probably already know the behavior of your B2B audience very well. You have probably created a customer journey , and know exactly at what moment your audience often consumes your content.
Normally you might publish content in the morning when your target audience is on their way to work, during their lunch break or maybe after work. But the routine of your target audience belgium telegram data changes during the summer. It is therefore very important to have a good idea of the days and times you publish your content during this period. What would be a logical moment to share your content?
Of course your traffic and interaction will not be as much as before, but you do want to attract as many visitors as possible. Otherwise you will miss opportunities to reach your target audience. And they might even forget you.
2. Adapt your content to the holiday
It is smart to adjust the type of content you share with your target group during the holidays. For example, you can choose to adjust the content format . Think of sharing more videos instead of articles. This is often easier to consume when your target group is on holiday or work at your B2B customer's office is on a lower burner. Reading content often requires more effort and attention from your audience. Your target group is not so keen on that when they are on holiday. You only have to play a video.
That's why it might be an idea to release podcasts during this period. Your target audience just needs to turn this on and they can listen to it while they're lying by the pool on vacation .