Today there is no guide, no step-by-step guide, no advice for designing your business website .
Today I'm going to talk to you about myself .
Well, actually, it's about my work philosophy. I want to tell you what custom web design means to me and why it's my best strategy for creating sites that, in addition to being beautiful, are functional and effective.
This article is a way to put all the cards on the table and make sure we are speaking the same language.
The best relationships are built on mutual respect and understanding that behind all those photos, sales messages, and brand colors is me, Beatriz, a real person. You'll see that creating a site my way is much more than creating a web design in Figma .
Why do custom web design?
Having a website that is custom designed to meet your needs is just as important as buying a pair of shoes that fit you. If they are too small, you are in for a rough ride. There is nothing more uncomfortable than spending all day with cramped and sore toes.
Although it may seem like I've gone off topic, the truth is that the same thing happens with a website. If you don't design it well inside and out from day one, your business will eventually suffer. You need it to be secure, problem-free, easy to use, and to clearly and simply show what your business wants to convey .
A creative and collaborative process. How do we create a custom web design step by step?
Every business, and therefore every website, is different . But there is one thing that doesn't change: a work process that I follow with all my clients to create a custom web design. Here is the step-by-step process:
We start with a free first meeting to meet face to face and learn about the project.
With this initial information, I prepare a budget tailored to your needs and together we decide on the next steps to take.
The next step will be to ask you to complete a questionnaire about aspects of the business, the content of the website and the style you would like it to have.
Then, we get down to business. I plan the work process in detail and give you access to the shared folder where you will have everything you need at hand. A calendar, checklists and tutorials that will help you follow what we are doing at each stage.
The next phase is to present you with some options after research, play, and testing.
At this point we come to the web design in Figma . This is the support I use to make the sketches of the custom pages.
Tell me what you think and we'll adjust as necessary.
We have transferred the design to the website and made the final touches. We are very close to presenting it to the public.
But it doesn't stop there. It's important for anyone who has a website to work independently and know how to use it properly. That's why we're doing a live class so you can learn how to manage it, make changes and keep it up to date.
Clear objectives, right path
One of my premises when working is to have clear objectives for the website before launching it. Knowing your business, the brand, the product or service offered and what the purpose is, I can better guide the type of website we are going to design. Creating a website for a rap group is not the same as creating a website for an entrepreneur mentor focused on sustainability. That is more than clear.
Beautiful inside and out
As for the website, there are things that are not visible to the naked eye and are very important: the backstage. I make sure that the design is user-centered, intuitive and easy to use. I also install everything necessary to make it a secure website and to be covered against any unforeseen events. And also, of course, that it complies with the current data protection law –let’s avoid any scares–.
Real examples
What if we lead by example?
I want to show you the results of the projects I have worked on with some of my clients . On my website, you can find their testimonials, but here I prefer to tell you about the way of working, the approach and the strategies that have been reflected on their sites.
Last Diola
Carlos has a very clear focus: helping people who want to start a business in the field of sustainable practices. It is impossible not to connect with a purpose like his and be able to contribute our grain of sand to the planet.
Their strategy is based on the content they share. That's why the blog and theLista e saktë e numrave të telefonit celular lead magnet had to become the main axes of the website. It's all that information that attracts users and turns them into customers.
The colours and images chosen go very well with the philosophy of their brand. Take a look at LastaDiola and you can also contribute to preserving our planet.
Here we have Ana Estela, a dancer who has decided to offer a different look at the world of ballet, both for teachers and professionals and students.
BalletMind se enfoca en el coaching y la decodificación emocional a través de sus diferentes programas y formaciones. Y eso es lo que teníamos que resaltar en su Home.
Parte de su estrategia también va dirigida a crear una comunidad de profesionales con el Club BM en la que intercambia miradas con otros docentes.
Como podéis ver, el diseño plasma, a lo largo de toda la web, una identidad visual que tenía muy trabajada.
Por último tenemos a Marta Basterra, una mujer que se ha inclinado por la estrategia digital para clínicas y farmacias. Toda su imagen y contenido acompaña a los clientes a los que se dirige. Desde el logo hasta el lead magnet invitando al diagnóstico, nos remiten a su nicho de interés.
En este caso, era importante trabajar una página de servicios y otra específica de las formaciones que ofrece, ya que hay quienes la buscan para aprender a profesionalizar sus propios negocios.
Diseño web a medida y estratégico
Diseño web a medida, a esto justo me refiero. Cada negocio es un mundo, por eso es preciso pensar en muchos detalles a la hora de crear la presencia online. Hay que tener claros los propósitos y objetivos. Ahí es donde entra lo estratégico.
Puedo diseñar tu web para que sea bonita y responsive. Pero es importante que también tenga en cuenta las necesidades de tu marca, el tono y qué te propones conseguir con ella. Después de todo, estás creando tu sitio para vender, no para figurar.
Curso de diseño web personalizado.
Deja de sufrir por tu sitio web: gana tiempo y diseña webs profesionales con Elementor. Rápido y gratuito.
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Información sobre el tratamiento de tus datos.
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Negocios online
Stripe qué es y cómo usarlo: Guía 2024
Stripe es una plataforma de pagos en línea que permite a las empresas aceptar pagos de manera segura y eficiente. Se destaca por su facilidad de uso y por su amplia gama de características que facilitan la gestión de transacciones.
La plataforma de pagos Stripe ha sido creada para simplificar la aceptación de pagos en internet de manera segura. Además, con una amplia gama de características, se adapta a las necesidades de negocios de todos los tamaños, desde pequeñas startups hasta grandes empresas.
En esencia, Stripe permite a las empresas gestionar pagos online. Facilita la transferencia de dinero de clientes a comerciantes de manera segura.
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Beatriz Calvo 20 mayo, 2024
Marketing digital
[Guía 2024] Cómo usar los Portales de WeTransfer: Tutorial y Características
En esta guía de 2024, exploraremos en detalle qué son los Portales de WeTransfer y cómo utilizarlos para simplificar el proceso de envío de archivos a clientes. Aprende a configurar y sacar el máximo provecho de esta herramienta esencial para diseñadores, fotógrafos y más.
Este post ha sido generado a través de las peticiones de los usuarios que leyeron el artículo de WeTransfer: qué es y cómo usarlo.
¿Qué tipo de archivos necesitaremos compartir con el cliente para revisar?
Como sabes este blog está centrado en el diseño web, así que si eres diseñador web, diseñador gráfico, copywriter, etc. podrás hacer uso de los Portales de WeTransfer de forma gratuita.
Imaginemos que, por ejemplo, necesitas enviar los archivos generados para una identidad visual o después de una sesión fotográfica necesitas enviar las imágenes de la página web o incluso los documentos del contenido que has escrito para la web.
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Beatriz Calvo 17 mayo, 2024
[2024] Qué poner en la página de Inicio de una web
La página de Inicio es el elemento más importante de toda la web y juega un papel fundamental. Si no sabes qué poner en la página de Inicio de tu web o estás cometiendo los errores más comunes del diseño web, mal vamos.
Una de las únicas oportunidades que tienes para conseguir nuevos y más clientes (incluso para captar más leads) por Internet es a través de la página de Inicio o Home de tu web.
En ella, aparte de elegir los mejores colores, puedes aplicar estrategias de captación de leads que te permitirán generar visitas a la web.
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Beatriz Calvo 17 mayo, 2024
[2024] Tutorial sobre – La mejor herramienta para diseñar diagramas online
Hoy veremos un tutorial de, la herramienta para hacer diagramas online de forma gratuita.
Por lo general, cuando necesitas hacer un diagrama, por inercia tiendes a coger papel y boli para ponerte a dibujarlo. Es normal, esto nos pasa a todos.
En mi caso coge papel y boli para todo, hasta para crear un funnel de ventas estilo flywheel.
Y lo que pasa es que al final es una pérdida de tiempo y por qué no decirlo, un malgasto de papel.
That if you make a mistake, that if you go around it again, that if you have to cross things out and in the end throw the diagram or funnel in the trash to start over from the beginning.
So, to save time and paper, we're going to take a closer look at a free online tool called
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Beatriz Calvo May 16, 2024
Foolproof techniques for capturing leads
Do you know what lead generation is all about? We've already talked about the importance of generating traffic to your website and having a great site inside and out. But we're missing something very important that we're going to address today.
The famous, essential and desired list of subscribers. Knowing how to capture the name and email of our potential clients, classify them and manage them, is one of the essential factors to increase sales.
Let's take a tour of the art of attracting them all, or in other words, capturing leads to feed your sales funnel.
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Beatriz Calvo May 16, 2024
[Guide 2024] Wetransfer: What it is and how to use it
In this WeTransfer tutorial, we're going to see what it is and how to use it.
Let's imagine that you are thinking about creating a website in WordPress.
When you hire the type of web designer that suits your needs, you usually have to provide the visual identity and the texts and images of the website you want to publish.
To do this, you can use WeTransfer, the tool that will make your life easier when sending files.
By the way, if you are a designer, you might be interested in learning how to use WeTransfer Portals, so that sharing files with your clients is a piece of cake.
If you want more information about what documentation you should send to your web designer through WeTransfer, you can read this article about what to put on your website's home page, this other one about the different parts of a website and, finally, this one in which I talk about the content of our website.
PS: Stay until the end because I'll tell you 2 tricks you can apply to save yourself the cost of purchasing the PRO version when sending files.
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Beatriz Calvo May 15, 2024
web design course .
Stop suffering with your website: save time and design professional websites with Elementor. Fast and free.
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Marta Basterra
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2024 3:46 am