Another factor to take into account is the place of residence. When it comes to how much an air conditioner costs in euros , we cannot compare the expenditure of a person who has a home in Galicia with that of someone who lives in Seville.
Brand and model
There are more or less efficient appliances . Although all brands are working to improve their efficiency, there are still some that stand out from the rest, with devices that are able to cool rooms with very low energy consumption .
Electrical power of the device
This is the amount of electricity required for the air conditioning unit to operate continuously. You will see this information reflected in its technical data sheet, in the section dedicated to watts (W).
Electricity bills measure consumption in kilowatts per hour (kWh), so you divide christmas island email list the electrical power by 1,000 . So if you have an air conditioning unit that consumes between 500 W when it is running at minimum power and 1,500 W when it is running at maximum power, this means that the consumption per hour is measured between 0.5 kWh and 1.5 kWh.
In order to ensure that electricity consumption is as low as possible, it is important to calculate the power required before choosing one appliance or another. And to get the power right, we must start from the basis of the size of the room to be air-conditioned .
Normally, about 150 frigories are needed for each square metre to be cooled, but this can vary depending on whether or not the room receives much sun. For example, if it is a 10 square metre room that does not receive much sun, a unit with 1,750 to 2,250 frigories may be enough. On the other hand, if the room is exposed to many hours of sun, the ideal choice is between 1,750 and 3,000 frigories.
Thermal power
to their thermal power, which tells us the amount of cold or heat they are capable of producing .
Thermal output is usually indicated in kilowatts. But we can also find thermal output expressed in British thermal units per hour (BTU/h). If you want to convert to kilowatts, multiply the BTU/h by 0.293 and divide the result by 1,000.
How to spend less on your air conditioning
Here are some useful tips that will allow you to use your air conditioning unit more efficiently without having to give up thermal comfort in your home or workplace.
Choose the device well
The first key is to get the power and cooling capacity right, as we said before, but also to choose a model that has good energy efficiency.
Appliances with an energy rating of A or higher are more expensive than less efficient ones. But they use much less energy, and you can quickly recoup that extra investment through savings on your electricity bill. So the first step to saving is to find a comprehensive air conditioning solution that fits your needs.
Get the temperature right
One of the factors that most influences how much an air conditioner consumes is the temperature at which we set it. A topic that is also often the source of discussion at home and in the office.
Ideally, to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and that the appliance does not consume excessive energy, the temperature should be kept between 22º and 26º C. For every degree that we lower the temperature below 20 °C, we are contributing to our electricity bill being between 6% and 8% higher.
Also, keep in mind that a difference of more than 12º C between the indoor and outdoor temperature can pose a risk to your health.
Don't forget about maintenance
The good thing about air conditioning units is that their maintenance is not complex, in fact, we can do it ourselves .