Growth for Business: Experimentation Framework for Work Teams

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Growth for Business: Experimentation Framework for Work Teams

Post by ayshakhatun663 »

Discover a growth framework for companies that allows us to create a culture of experimentation that brings us closer to the growth our clients are looking for.

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At Impulse we have created a architect phone number data Growth framework for companies that allows us to create a culture of experimentation that brings us closer to the growth our clients are looking for.


Every business looking to scale growth needs to move at lightning speed.

However, most teams are moving at a snail's pace.

There are two key reasons for this:

They struggle to get the organization to accept growth initiatives.

They fail to build consistent and repeatable experimentation systems.

A management system built specifically for experimentation can improve the velocity of a growing team.

Below we present an experimentation framework for work teams that we have implemented at Impulse for a few years now to achieve the growth of our clients.

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Framework Growth for companies

Today I'm going to reveal to you a Growth framework for businesses that our team at Impulse has perfected over the years that is highly effective and easy to replicate in 5 steps.






growth for companies framework for experiments

Step one is deciding where; step two is how; step three is what; step four and step five measure the outcome that improves the entire cycle.

Let's break down each step!

Step 1: Align (where should we focus?)

Without a goal, your team will have nothing to aim for.

Focusing on a very specific goal will streamline your iterative process and help align your team on what matters most.

Which goal to choose? I suggest starting with metrics and funnel stages closest to revenue.

For example:

“Increase the conversion rate of leads to opportunities by Y%” (Activation)

“Increase the conversion rate of traffic to leads by Y%” (Acquisition)

"Increase traffic by X%" (Awareness)


One thing we do at Impulse to determine where to focus is to analyze at which stage of the buyer's journey we have the most friction and/or obstacles.

We analyze the conversion rates achieved over a period of time at each moment of purchase.

We then project growth scenarios to determine where we should focus first to have the highest impact on results.

Step 2: Ideation (how do we solve it?)

Now comes the fun part: the creative process of generating ideas on how to achieve growth goals .

Inspiration should come from:

Customer data

Customer Reviews

Previous experiments

Competitors / Research


It is crucial to support ideas with data.

The best ideation sessions are pure brainstorming , meaning you shouldn’t analyze, critique, or eliminate any ideas from the list just yet. Hopefully, you’ll end up with a complete list of ideas on how to optimize your goal metric.

You can conduct two types of ideation sessions :

Product-based ideation:
How can we improve our digital product (functionality, user experience, bottlenecks, most used features)?

Marketing-based ideation:
What elements of the funnel (AAARRR) do we need to improve?

What are my customers' behaviors?

What are the characteristics of my best clients?

What events cause people to abandon the product?

What are our North Star Metrics/Important Growth Metrics?

Example of ideas for “Increase the conversion rate of completed shopping carts by Y%” (Activation) :

Improve the “user interface” to improve the rate of adding products to the shopping cart.

If we make it interactive for people to find gift suggestions for dad, it can help them add more products to their shopping cart.

Improve the suggested product recommendation engine.

And then it's time to start prioritizing.

You can select ideas with the greatest potential for the best results. You can ask yourself questions like :

How expensive would it be to implement this idea? What is the cost of not implementing the idea?

What teams within the company would be involved? Who would be responsible for implementation?

How long would it take? How much time are we wasting without the solution?

What level of growth do we foresee with this idea? Is the benefit worth it?

At Impulse, our teams rely on the ICE (Impact, Confidence, Ease) rating system.

A scale from 1 to 10, for three different criteria.
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