How to integrate inclusive writing into your web content?

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How to integrate inclusive writing into your web content?

Post by mstlucky8072 »

SEO writing requires a relevant use of keywords searched by target customers. The integration of inclusive writing in web content therefore depends above all on the search typed by the user. If no user uses it, then Google will not move towards a complete integration of this gender-neutral writing. The constraints of the search engine in SEO writing complicate the use of inclusive writing. However, it is possible to migrate to a more neutral writing .

But how do you go about it? Should we really integrate inclusive writing into web writing? A look back at this writing, its practice and its impact on your natural referencing .

In the picture we see different cubes with letters and at the end of the written word "Gender" there is a star

What is inclusive writing?
Inclusive writing is a form of writing that aims to make the French language gender-neutral . It consists of ensuring that the masculine no longer automatically prevails over the feminine when used in the plural. This then creates a neutrality of expression and consequently an abandonment of genders in writing. This inclusivity is introduced by the use of punctuation but also new words .

Some examples:

The use of the midpoint , or midpoint or a hyphen in the same word. To include the feminine, it will be introduced with a midpoint. This allows the masculine to not systematically prevail, and thus leaves room for both genders. This point is not placed on the bottom line like a classic point but in the middle of the characters.
Examples of uses of the midpoint or hyphen:
The actors
Looking to write the midpoint (·) in your documents, here twitter database are the combinations. PC: alt+0183 - Mac: alt-shift+f
The use of slash to make words masculine and feminine: actor/rice
There are also neologisms or new words . For example, instead of writing "ils" or "elles", one can choose to write "iels". Thus, neither gender is favored in writing.
The agreement of functions, professions, etc. with the gender of the person who exercises them: a professor.
The use of both genders : farmers and farmers
The use of gender-neutral words or non-gendered synonyms: Management.


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How to reconcile SEO and inclusive writing?
You may need or want to use inclusive writing in your web content. But what impact will it have on your SEO? How do the algorithms that scan your site to assess its quality read inclusive writing?

To attract traffic to your site, to be well positioned, you must respond to Internet users' requests with content including relevant keywords . However, inclusive writing is almost never used in search engines. In addition, Google's algorithms are not yet able to associate a keyword in inclusive writing with a non-inclusive query . Your content may therefore be less visible or invisible .

In the case of words where an "e" will be added at the end, thus creating a new word, initially, the impact will not be major. For the impact of these new terms to become greater, they must appear more frequently in user searches .
The impact is therefore less for the moment but could become considerable in the long term because these words are well and truly becoming part of our common vocabulary .

As for the midpoint, unless search engines start introducing the typographical character of this midpoint into their algorithm, this new usage will be treated as the use of a space or a hyphen. The problem with this search is that the results will not be the same as if you typed the masculine or feminine form of the word.

There are many different possibilities and forms in inclusive writing, which does not make SEO easy . If you decide to use this form of writing, it is however possible by acting with caution .

5 tips for using inclusive writing without impacting your SEO
1. Inclusive writing should be reserved for the body of the text
It is essential to ban inclusive writing from your H1 titles and the URLs of your pages (the midpoint can generate errors).

Also avoid using it in H2, H3, etc. subheadings . Structure and subheadings are very important to Google. However, you can use inclusive writing in the body of your text .
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